Chapter 46: Who Tells The Story

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She faltered a little, then stood up and got the miracle box

---Lila's POV---

That stupid, arrogant, backstabbing, manipulative, waste of internet space of a blogger ruined my life!

Of course Alya was live! How did I not think of that?! Now I'm stuck holed up in my room while Mother tries to do damage control. I'm just lucky I convinced her it was CGI or something. Not that she's smart enough to know the difference anyway. 

I FoR OnE BElieVe tHE TruTh LIlA she said. I CaN SeE tHE WORld ClEArly AgaIN. I TRuSt YoU HaVE YOuR reAsOnS she said. She ruined EVEYTHING!

I threw my pillow against the wall. My life was perfect! My mother works at the embassy! I was popular! I had the guy smart enough to build a sentient AI so harshly under my thumb he believed a paper napkin would have hurt his eye. THROUGH HIS GLASSES! 

Alya Cesaire may just be the one person I hate more than either Ladybug or Marinette now. In one fell swoop, she turned all of Paris against me! Sabrina should have delivered HER a nice big helping of karma and thrown HER off a roof instead. 

It's not like she's sooooo perfect anyway. She believed me too! Ohh Marinette is my BESTEST WESTEST friend! i'd never hurt her! Except for when I did, but lets just forget about that right now.

I sighed and brought out my laptop. Since this afternoon's little broadcast, my name has been everywhere online. Not in the good way either. I've seen myself called manipulative, rude, a jerk, a liar, cold-blooded,  a sausage haired monster, and an ugly warm toilet seat. 

"Lila Rossi is a nasty stupid dumb liar"

"A real kind of village idiot here"


"I knew she was bad news the moment I met the creep"

"She's like some sort of assasin towards angels isn't she? I mean, who could possibly hate Ladybug?"

"This is ridiculous utterly ridiculous. I NEVER would have trusted that vermin."

"Public enemy number one, Lila Rossi."

"What a treat."

"Petition to make 'You're a Lila' an insult to the highest degree."

"Get down you dirty rascal"

It's insane! I'm the daughter of an ambassador! I'm a top model for THE Gabriel Agreste! I'm important!

"Let's see her mother lose her job. Give her something to really whine about."

"I've seen her before! Lila is one of the models for Gabriel Agreste! I wonder how his son would feel if she just... Didn't show up for the next shoot?"

Maybe it's about time that someone ruined HER reputation. Let miss blogger feel the panic when everything you worked so hard for crumbles around you. After all, when it was Marinette Alya had no problem until it was too late. Who's to say anyone would stick up her her sorry butt?

---Marinette's POV---

Of course he wants to know about Master Fu. I guess it's natural for him to wonder. I would be curious too I guess.

"Dude, I'm sorry! You uh- just forget I said anything. I don't want you to say anything you don't wanna say or make you remember anything you don't..."

"Nino it's fine." I sighed. "I don't mind. I guess if you know about me..." I faltered a little, then stood up and got the miracle box. "I'm just not the best person to tell you."

Nino scooted closer to where I sat on the floor with the box. 

"Not that he's really a person though." I chuckled halfheartedly. 

I pressed a button on the box and retrieved a certain bracelet that I was sure Nino would recognize. 


"Yeah." I responded, handing him the miraculous. "He uh- Wayzz was the guy who gave me the miraculous' kwami when he wasn't with you."

A familiar bright flash of light revealed another familiar figure. A turtle who I had not seen in a while. 

"Miss Marinette."

"Hi Wayzz..."


"Hello Nino."

I had to stifle a giggle as the pair went through the motions of a sort of secret handshake that I have no idea WHEN they had the time to invent. 

"So uh... You dudes gonna tell me a story then or what?"


A huge explosion shook across Paris. Loud as thunder, sudden as lightning. 

"Well that's not good." Nino commented, "You may wanna..."

"Yeah I gotta go! Do you mind if I just..."

"Do what you do best. I'll just hang here with Wayzz." Nino assured me. "Two in a day though, yikes."

"Eh. Hawkmoth loves his timing sometimes." I added, earning a smile. "Tikki, SPOTS ON!"

Nino watched in awe as I transformed, then I leapt out of the building. Behind me, I could hear the faintest voice saying, "Awesome" before he was out of earshot.

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