Chapter 50: A Fight In The Dark Of Night

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No butterfly was released, but her main weapon disintegrated right out of her hand.

--- Marinette's POV---

I felt like I was running for my life. I mean, I was, but it normally wasn't like this. 

If Carapace hadn't shown up when he did, I wouldn't be standing, and Hawkmoth would probably have my miraculous.  

Monarch's blast hit a building right behind me as I ran. If I could figure out where her akuma is before Cat Noir gets back from hiding Alya, he could hit it with his Cataclysm and it would be over.

Monarch flew over my head and landed in front of me. She shot another blast and I ducked. I could hear the boom behind me, but my adrenaline had kicked in and I was running again. 

It was getting darker, and I didn't have night vision. That, combined with the smoke from all the explosions made Paris hard to travel across on the ground. 

I pulled myself onto a rooftop using my yoyo and my momentum to leave Monarch in the dust. A quick glance around showed no signs of Cat Noir yet, and I had no idea where he had went. Still, for all his flaws, I trust him with my life.

I turned around and came face to face with Monarch. 

"Would you stop running you stupid pest?" She asked, leaning on her staff. "With how late it is I may not get any beauty sleep before I squash Alya."

"Not gonna happen Monarch!" I called back, glancing up a bit. 

Black leather crept slowly toward us, nearly invisible in the dark of the night. Finger over his lips. As far as Monarch knew, he was off somewhere with Alya still.

He started making some crazy motions with his hands, finally settling on one arm up in the air and a childlike smile on his face.

He looked so stupid.

"What's wrong bug? Your friends all left? Is it lonely knowing that you're about to be nothing more than a stain on my boots?" Monarch taunted, a slight fizzle coming from her staff. 

"Nah, just wanted to give you a chance to give up before I used my, LUCKY CHARM!"

A bag of marbles fell from the sky, landing directly into my open arms.

"Marbles? What am I..."

"Supposed to do with this, yada yada. You won't get a change to find out." She taunted, spinning her staff three times before aiming it right at me.

A quick glance around showed nothing immediately I could use, but the situation was too perfect to do nothing. I nodded to Cat Noir.

"We'll see about that! CATACLYSM!" He shouted, leaping forward at the same moment I jumped to the side. 

Cat Noir landed right where I was and reached forward; grabbing Monarch's staff with his destructive hand.

"Nice one Kitty!"

"My timing is always purrfect Milady."

No butterfly was released, but her main weapon disintegrated right out of her hand.

It was two against one.

---Adrien's POV---

With Alya safe, it was time to focus on the fight.

I had clearly missed a lot. A big chunk of the city over where I had left Ladybug was blown apart. Gaping holes in buildings and streets alike.

I heard a slight beep from my ring.  Glancing over at Ladybug, her hand shot up to her ear as a similar sound chimed. We had five minutes.

"You heroes have to be so... heroic don't you." Monarch snarled, aiming a punch at my face. "With your stupid superpowers and your stupid miraculouses!"

I ducked, and tried to sweep her legs from under her, but Lila's new for seemed to have pretty fast reflexes as she jumped over and behind me. She kicked where my face would have been if I wasn't as awesomely fast at rolling aside, stopping next to Ladybug.

"Got any plans Bugaboo?"

"If it wasn't in her staff, the akuma must be in her crown." She muttered to herself, assisting me up while Monarch turned to us.

Another faint beep came from the both of us, as Monarch leapt towards us. 

We dived out of the way in opposite directions. 

"I got an idea, but it needs three people!" Ladybug exclaimed, dodging a close hit.

"Too bad Shelly Boy had to leave then huh?" Monarch roared, getting an elbow to the face while trying to snatch Ladybug's lucky charm from her. 

Shelly Boy? As in Carapace? AS IN NINO?

"Did you get help Bugaboo?" I inquired delicately and gracefully, grasping at Monarch's tacky crown before she jumped back.

"Can we talk about that later Cat?!" She grunted in response, jerking back from Monarch's quick movement out of her grasp.

Ok ok fair. Battle now, wondering where she got the time to escape from being blasted at to retrieve a miraculous, then find Nino, then get back to the battle later.

"Ok, but where is he then?" I asked.

Another beep from our miraculous. Two minutes.

"Recharging his kwamii." She whispered quickly while dashing past me to get another shot at the akuma.

I risked a quick glance away from the fight to check if he was nearby.

While I couldn't see much, a red cap was visible behind a smoke screen about two building over for a moment before it was replaced with a faint green light.

Night vision comes in handy.

(A/N I am so sorry I took so long to update again though. Last year I mostly wrote during my study hall, but I don't have one this year and I've been busier than I thought I would be in school. I'll try to update more regularly again, but it may not be as often as it was before this summer. Sorry I've been so inconsistent lately.)

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