10. Can't Admit When He's Sorry

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A/N: oop, here it is. 

The sound of Harry's voice slowly wraps around Louis, brushing against his damaged soul in a vice tight grip. Although Louis felt physically restrained and unable to move, there was no pain. He felt as if he was completely encased in fine silk, which renders him completely breathless. He finds himself blinking through the haze of his mind as the symphony brushes against all of Louis' ragged edges, whispering words that Louis' conscious couldn't pick up on. The whole ordeal is over before it really began, and Harry's voice is replaced with a static silence. Louis doesn't dare speak, in fact, he's certain his voice box is broken. His vision is blurred and his head spins as he slowly comes back to reality.

"You inspired that one, you know?" Harry's ragged voice breaks the silence, and it's like a lightning strike inside Louis' nerve endings. He inhales deeply, blinking and turning towards Harry's silhouette by his side. "If you could name it, what would you call it?"

Louis frowns, head still spinning as he tries to bring himself back to earth. He hesitates for a moment, letting Harry's words sink in before he finds the right words. "You don't know a thing about me, so how can you say I inspired it?" Louis notices that Harry half smiles to himself, looking down at his feet and a slight outline of his dimple appears.

"You don't have to tell me much for inspiration to strike Louis. You were young when you met her, you didn't know anything about what life was going to be, what was going to happen as you got older. You were young, naïve. You fell for Eleanor. And, I think you like to drink too much. You're not ready to commit. I can tell that much. That's exactly how you got into this mess. And for the last bit. I just know you're an arrogant son of a-,"

"Hey. I'm not arrogant," Louis interjects, his back straightening and jaw clenching as he locks eyes with the man next to him. His eyes twinkle with amusement which aggravates Louis to no end. "And I do apologise,"

"You can't admit when you're sorry. It's like pulling teeth. Damn near impossible. That apology just before when you thought I was going to leave? That is the sincerest thing that has left your mouth this whole stay so far,"

"Okay fine, so is this another one of your secret talents? You're a psychic that can read people and their whole life when you meet them? Can you read thoughts too?" Louis' eyes widen and he tries his best to bite back laughter as he speaks again. "Are you...Edward Cullen? What am I thinking right now?"

Louis doesn't even get the chance to make another joke, because Harry suddenly shoves his shoulder causing him to stumble back a few steps. "You could have just asked me to stop," He chuckles, watching as Harry gently shakes his head and eyes fall back on the sunset. "It's a nice sunset though, they got that right,"

"I've seen better suns," Harry says without hesitation, face a blank canvas once again. Louis feels as if he just experienced 6 different emotions from the man at once, and it makes his head hurt.

Louis hesitantly walks back to Harry's side, mindful to keep the distance between them and not have their sticky arms brushing like previously. "I hate to break it to you, Styles. But there is only one sun in our solar system,"

"I respectfully disagree," Harry peels his eyes away from the golden and pink sky, and they land on Louis once again. Louis feels miniscule suddenly, Harry's gaze burning deeply into his soul. "I've seen suns that mistake themselves for dying stars,"

And without another word, Harry reaches down to his bag and slings it over his shoulder. He gives the view of the mountains and receding sun one last glance, before turning towards the downhill track. "You coming? or are you planning on hiking back down in the middle of the night?"

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