2. We're Not Who We Used To Be

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Louis never backed down from a challenge.

That was the one thing that Niall knew for certain about him, and this social experiment was the ultimate challenge. And it didn't take much convincing for Louis to crumble and start to entertain the idea of actually attending the interview. He had sent the application with no ill intent, and out of love for Louis' mental health. Niall was just completely fed up having to listen to Louis bicker about unimportant things of a relationship. Like who honestly cares about them arguing over bin night? No one. 

It took Niall a fair while to get himself ready for the day, and Louis blames him and his alcohol consumption completely. He doesn't even know how he's even productive at work when he's hungover ninety-eight perfect of the time. Niall was a self-employed graphic designer and often spent his afternoons in his apartment drawing away. He had a whole tiny room created for the sole purpose of design. It didn't matter what type of art he did, he was scarily good at it. And it's even worse that he can still create quality while drinking away at the same time. So there's a solid hour of Louis napping on and off on the couch as Niall runs around like a headless chook trying to figure out where he's left certain objects around the place.

At one point he can't even remember where the house keys are. Louis notices they're dangling on the pot plant a few feet from the couch and he's curious how they ended there. Niall did bizarre things but Louis loved him for it.

"I'm sure they're in here somewhere," Niall is shouting from his bedroom and Louis can hear things being thrown around, and he can also hear Niall huffing and puffing angrily as time passes. Louis can't help but feel like a bit of a rat knowing they're in his line of sight, but today it's completely warranted that he's like this.

"I'm sure they are, Niall," He replies sarcastically, eyes fixating on the white ceiling. He felt as if he had not had enough sleep to handle more bullshit thrown his way today, and the only way he'd accept it is if there was a coffee in his hand.  

There are a few more minutes before Niall walks out of his room and is quite literally out of breath. His hair still dripping from the shower and his milky skin tinged a soft shade of pink. Louis knew him well enough to know that he liked to physically cook himself in showers. It made no sense. Showers were supposed to be relaxing. There is nothing fun about standing in the literal depths of hell, but whatever floats his boat.  Louis watches amusedly as Niall intensely searches his kitchen bench again, eyebrows knitted together in frustration. He's like a giant toddler.

"I don't know, have you seen them? Please tell me you've seen them," Niall whines, stomping his feet just like an agitated child. God bless him.

"What I want to know is why the fuck they're dangling from your houseplant," Louis points directly towards the withering plant, and looks back at Niall with a playful smirk. Niall's face falls into a blank canvas as his eyes lock on the silver set of keys. Louis can tell he's about to get an earful and bites down on his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"You knew this whole time?"

"Absolutely I did. After this stunt that you've pulled you deserve it," Louis stretches his arms above his hair and yawns dramatically before resting his hands behind his head. He watches as Niall scowls at him and then storms over towards the plant whilst muttering profanities to himself and his best friend. What a wonderful start to the morning.

"You have some nerve letting me destroy my house looking for these things full well knowing they were right there," Niall scoffs, spinning the object around his finger as he walks away towards his bedroom.

"What's the plan today Niall? I have to be back home in a few hours. Clients and all that," Louis raises his voice so Niall can still hear him in the bedroom but gives up and forces himself off the couch to walk into the room.

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