1. It's Not That Important

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It had to be a joke.

Or at the very least a spam email containing approximately 37 viruses that would cause Louis' laptop to shit itself and turn off for eternity.

So Louis keeps telling himself exactly that as he stares at his small computer screen incredulously. He has read it approximately 12 times and still cannot fathom as to how this travesty has occurred. He doesn't even remember applying, and absolutely certain he in fact did not apply for it. It must be a joke. His face is lit up in the darkness of his room; cerulean eyes glistening, and angular jaw jutted as his eyes flicker over the ridiculous words, once again. He doesn't need to break eye contact as he reaches into his pocket to fetch his phone. He instinctively types in the password, because he's a professional at knowing exactly how to type it in without looking.

"Hey Siri, I need you to call Niall right this moment," His voice is almost exasperated, whilst running delicate fingers through the golden fringe that is brushing against his forehead.

Siri's robotic, automatic, and monotone voice instantly fills the silent room.

Okay. Calling Niall Horan right now.

There are a few moments as his phone begins to call, and he counts the number of rings it takes before he gets an answer. He almost always gets an answer before 4 rings. It's comical really; the way Louis is curled up in the comfort of his spare bed wrapped up in a thick vermillion colored duvet. He should not even be in his spare room for fuck sake. But he is, and Eleanor - his uptight, narky, and currently intolerable girlfriend - is sleeping in the comfortable bed.

Why? Because right now this is the new normal. It has been the norm for a while, so maybe not so new. He exhales strongly as if to expel the frustration quickly building up internally as the phone continues to attempt contact with Niall. As if on cue just as the 4th ring sounds, he hears fumbling on the other side of the line and then Niall's voice.

"What's doing Louis? You alright mate?" It's half slurred, and yeah maybe Louis should have known better. Of course, he would be drinking at this time of night. Louis can't help but stifle a laugh and shake his head.

"Yeah, I'm alright...I think. I have just received a very perplexing email and needed to share it. You were my chosen person," Louis says hesitantly, as his eyes focus back on the subject of the email placed in front of him.

"Need me to decode this so-called perplexing email? I do have a mind of a genius after all," Niall's voice perks up with excitement.

"Alright, Einstein. Don't get ahead of yourself. You see, I can't decipher whether this is a real-life situation I'm experiencing or it's one of those stupid spam emails. But I feel like this is too real. Unless I've done something on one of my recent benders-," Louis starts to ramble but is eventually cut off because Niall wants him to get to the point already.

"Can you just let me be dramatic? For once?" Louis quips back fast, rolling his eyes at the way Niall groans.

"You are the most dramatic person I know, every aspect of your being is drama, Louis. It's 10 at night...I'm high as a kite and drinking whiskey. What is going on?"

Louis can imagine the boy sprawled across his stupid couch with a whiskey bottle in one hand. He's probably wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt that probably has pizza stains on it. Because that's the Niall he knows best, a beautiful disaster.

"This email that I've been staring at...is telling me that I've been invited to an interview for some ridiculous concept...experiment if you will...and I don't know if I applied for it. I didn't, I know I didn't," He begins to chew on his fingernails anxiously, the words burning into the eyeballs.

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