3. It Is What It Is

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When the day of the face-to-face interview arrives, Louis does consider at the last minute to just say sike and go back to sleep. But Niall was having absolutely none of it.  So, when Louis was unexpectedly pulled feet first out of the bed during his avoidance nap, he was beyond shocked. But it was immediately replaced with indescribable rage when he looks up half asleep and finds Niall grinning like he has won gold at the Olympics.

"Rise and shine, motherfucker," He gleams, hands resting on his hips. His hair is neatly brushed and slicked back with what appears to be gel. Louis glares for a few moments as his brain is startled awake and the haze of sleepiness is quickly dissipating.

"You couldn't just walk in with a cup of tea, could you? What was the purpose of dragging me out of my bed and breaking my tailbone in the process?" Louis grunts as he reaches up to the bed and pulls himself up weakly. He blinks a few times and waits until the dizziness from standing up to quickly settles. "I was sleeping. Avoiding today...today is cancelled. Didn't you get the memo?"

"I didn't spend hundreds on that disgusting outfit choice for you to be a wimp, Tommo," Niall pats Louis' shoulder gently, dramatically winking at him at the same time. Louis scowls and begins to fix the blankets on his bed. "Where's the outfit? We are prepared to go?" Niall hums to himself.

"We?" Louis looks back over his shoulder, tired face suddenly firm and eyebrows furrowed.

"Obviously, you're the one that's going in and doing all the talking. I am coming for the drive. I'm your hype man," Niall throws himself onto the bed and lands with a soft thud. Louis immediately gives up on tidying his bed and starts to walk towards the door. However, stops and turns back towards his best friend with wide eyes.

"How the fuck did you get into my house?" There is a legitimate tone of terror settling into Louis' voice, and his mind starts to go over the possibilities of how the hell Niall actually got into the place.

"Eleanor let me in, surprisingly. She wasn't expecting me, and she didn't say much but said you were still asleep," Niall shrugs casually, and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Right. I'll have to tell her that you're now banned from here," Louis says flatly and then quickly exits the room. As he briskly walks down the hallway, he can't help but fight the smile on his face as he hears the steps of Niall behind him.

"Eleanor?" He raises his voice, eyes darting around the kitchen for a second. For once she wasn't hunched over the kitchen bench drinking her morning coffee.

"What's wrong? Why do you sound so upset?" She appears from the bedroom, her eyes darting to Louis quickly as she puts her hair into a tight ponytail. Louis feels the lump in his throat grow for a second as he takes in the sight of her. She's wearing a tight black pencil skirt, and polka dot blouse that hugs her figure well. It was enough for Louis to clear his throat and look back towards Niall.

"I just wanted to let you know that this buffoon.... decided to physically haul me out of the bed this morning. So, I've made the executive decision that he's banned from entry,"

Eleanor hesitates for a moment, hands freezing in the middle of putting the hairband in. She looks between Louis and Niall and is unsure whether it's a joke. Louis sounds serious, but the way that Niall is starting to laugh says otherwise. "I'm not banned, you can't ban your best friend,"

"Best friends don't ruin precious sleep hours, especially in that manner," Louis snaps back, running his fingers through his bed hair.

"I don't know about other people, but I choose to give my best friend time to get himself together before he attends an interview,"

Louis instantly closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and slowly exhales. Niall can't help but instantly notice the shift in Louis' demeanor and his sight quickly moves to Eleanor. She's finished with her hair and takes a sip from her coffee mug.

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