Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry I snapped at you last night, Josie. You're trying to help and there's no excuse for my behavior."

"You have a good excuse, as it happens. You must find the poisoner before he strikes again while trying to find answers to your memory loss. It's no wonder you're on edge."

"You're too forgiving." He opened the door and I passed him, very aware that his gaze followed me.

I sat with Hilda on the sofa while Hammer stood by the exit. The heavy curtains remained drawn and someone had lit candles but the room was still dim. The lack of light didn't ruin the elegance of the chamber. There was far too much gilding and color for it to ever be considered dull.

"Hilda, the captain is going to ask you some questions about the night of the poisoning," I said quietly. "I'll stay. Will you answer him as best as you can?"

"Aye, miss."

"Call me Josie. All my friends do."

A self-conscious smile touched her lips. "I'll do my best to remember what happened, Josie."

"Be assured, you are not under suspicion."

"I'm not? Oh, that is a relief." Her shoulders relaxed. "Go on then."

"Did anyone visit Lady Miranda that night?" Hammer asked.

Hilda nibbled her lower lip, leaving tiny teeth marks in the soft flesh. "She didn't want me to tell anyone..."

"Circumstances have changed," I urged her. "It might be important to finding the poisoner. Who visited her?"

"The king. He came after dinner but my lady didn't let him in. She's not like that."

"Did he give her anything?"

"Not then, but later a vase of flowers arrived for her." She nodded at the red and pink arrangement in the large white vase. "The note that came with them said he wanted to apologize for his poor manners and for assuming."

"Did Lady Miranda smell them?" Hammer asked.

"Aye. Why?"

"Did you smell them?"

"Aye." She gasped. "You think they were poisoned?"

"You didn't fall ill, so they weren't. Was anything else delivered to her rooms?

She shook her head.

"Did anyone else come to her rooms? Her parents? A friend? Another servant?"

"No, sir. No one. She has no friends here at court and she has no need of any other servants except me."

It would seem the poisoning hadn't occurred here after dinner. I looked to Hammer. "May I ask Hilda a question?" He urged me on with a nod. "Yesterday you told me there are some who see Lady Miranda as a rival for the king's affections and they're jealous."

"Aye," Hilda said.


She hesitated and for a moment I thought she might refuse to tattle. "Many people, I suppose. Lady Miranda is clearly his favorite and everyone has noticed."

"Are there any who are particularly nasty about her behind her back?"

She looked away "I wouldn't know..."

"I understand your reluctance to tattle, but this is important. I know the servants talk. They must be aware that Lady Miranda was poisoned and some must have suspicions about who did it."

"I've heard them say Lady Lucia Whippler is the king's next favorite and very ambitious she is too. Her maid doesn't like her, and that's damning if you ask me."

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