Chapter 28

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Brant dragged me backward through the door and outside. I lost my footing but his arm stopped me from falling. It tightened, squeezing me until I felt like I'd be cut in half.

"Let me go!" I said.

He did, and I scurried away from him, out of his reach. No one was near, but if I screamed, the guards inside would hear. Would they protect me or take Brant's side? I didn't dare test them.

"Wh—what do you want?" I asked.

He licked his lips and glanced past me to the door. "See enough in there? I know you heard enough."

I pushed past him, but he grabbed my arm. Some of the tisane spilled over the sides of the jug. "You afraid, Josie? Of the prisoners?" He leaned in, his face so close I could feel the heat of his breath on my forehead. "You afraid of Hammer now you see what he does to people he don't like?"

I jerked free and hurried off. He could have caught me, but when I glanced over my shoulder, he was nowhere in sight. I intercepted a maid and asked her to direct me to the garrison. It was a relief to see Hammer there, talking to half a dozen guards about the evening's security plans. He broke away from them upon seeing me and gathered his sword and belt from a hook. He opened the drawer of a nearby dresser and removed a set of keys, only to change his mind and drop them back in.

"You look like you ran from the kitchen," he said, as we headed into the service corridors. "Did you get lost again?"

I considered telling him the truth but quickly dismissed the idea. He didn't want me to know about the prisoners, and I didn't want him thinking I'd defied him to seek out the cells. "I wanted to get this to the king quickly," was all I said.

We delivered the jug to Theodore in the king's antechamber. In the bedchamber beyond, the king sat up in bed. "Finally!"

"Thank you, Josie," Theodore whispered. "He's been unbearable since you left."

"He should feel more comfortable after drinking this," I said. "Hopefully his mood will improve after it takes effect."

"Speaking of effects, what can I expect?"

"What do you think?" Hammer asked with a wry grin.

Theodore wrinkled his nose. "On days like this, I hate my job."

"Have a bedpan ready," I told him. "Or two."

He made a small sound of protest before squaring his shoulders and marching into the bedroom.

Hammer escorted me through the palace and outside to the forecourt. "I have to leave you here," he said. "Ask one of the guards on duty to have a carriage sent for you." He pulled a fat purse from inside his doublet and pressed it into my hand.

"This is too much," I said.

"King's orders. Apparently his life is worth it."

I doubted the king oversaw trivialities like payments but I didn't refuse it. The money would come in very handy.

"I have to go," he said, his gaze darting around the courtyard. Whenever he was outside, he always seemed on heightened alert, checking faces for unfamiliar ones, or looking out for potential trouble.

"Good luck tonight," I said. "I hope you catch the poisoner before then."

"I'm going to speak to Lady Deerhorn now."

"You think she is the D Tam was referring to in his notes?"

"It's possible. I don't expect her to admit it, but if she is the poisoner, she'll know I'm watching her closely and won't strike tonight."

The Palace of Lost MemoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon