Chapter 10

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"Incest." The kitchen maid licked her lips and her eyes flared. "What say you to that, Captain?"

"Did you overhear anything else?" Hammer asked.

"Lady Lucia's maid also says Lord Frederick gets jealous of any man that takes an interest in his sister."

"Such as the king?"

"Aye. They even argued about it. Lord Frederick didn't like her flirting with him. He went into a jealous rage."

Hammer stiffened. "Did he hurt her?"

"She calmed him down." The woman chuckled, revealing the bare gums on the left side of her mouth. "You can probably guess how, eh?"

"Thank you for the information," Hammer said. "Let me know if you hear anything further."

She returned downstairs while we continued up. Hammer left a message at a small office with the senior footman to send the men who'd served dinner to him when they were free. Then we headed out of the commons and back toward the service entrance of the palace. The dogs had run off and were nowhere to be seen.

"What do you think of the information about Lord Frederick and Lady Lucia?" I asked him.


"Is that all? It's rather shocking." When I caught him watching me, I added, "Incest is not normal or accepted in Glancia, if that's what you're wondering."

"The fact is, it exonerates Lord Frederick rather than condemns him. He'd want to encourage Lady Miranda in her pursuit of the king, not get rid of her to make way for his sister."

"True. Perhaps that's what we need to do—eliminate one diner at a time."

"And how do you propose I do that?"

"With my help, of course, and that of the palace servants."

He frowned. "Go on."

"We need to listen to more gossip. Gossip has already taught us something about the Whipplers, so now we need to find out what we can about the others. It may help us create a broader picture of our suspects."

"Our suspects?"

"Let's discuss the plan in the garrison."

We didn't reach the garrison. A footman stopped us on the stairs and informed us that my father was with Lady Miranda. We changed course and headed to her rooms instead.

Lady Miranda's apartments were rather crowded. The king had learned of her recovery despite her hope for some time to herself first, and he waited in the sitting room along with the Claypools, Theodore, a guard and Hilda. I bobbed an awkward curtsy for the king, who watched with an amused gleam in his eyes. He seemed in good spirits.

"Doctor Cully asked you to go through when you arrived, Josie," Hilda said.

I knocked lightly on the bedchamber door then entered. My father stood by the bed, packing away his instruments. Lady Miranda sat propped up against the pillows, looking fresher after her bath. She was extremely beautiful with her long golden hair, dark lashes framing large eyes, and unblemished skin. She had the sort of ethereal beauty that sensitive men wrote poems in honor of, and masculine men fought over. I couldn't stop staring.

She greeted me with a smile. "Here she is," she said to my father. "I knew she wouldn't be far. She's looked after me so well while I've been ill. I'm so grateful to her, and to you for allowing her to stay with me, Doctor."

She was being rather too effusive, considering I'd not stayed with her the entire time. I eyed her carefully and she winked.

"Where have you been, Josie?" my father asked.

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