1,3• He travelled all the way across the sea for me!

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We were all sat in the living room, in front of the priest. Me on the arm rest of the sofa, next to Erin. "Here's what I find strange. You're in that chapel every single Sunday, yet this message from on high comes on the very day you happen to have an exam, which, I know for a fact, you haven't so much as even opened a book for."  Mary stated, Disbelieving in our story. "I find that very strange as well, mrs Quinn. Very strange indeed" Sister Michael said from her arm chair, holding a tea in her hand. "What are you suggesting?" Erin asked her mother. "If you are lying, Erin, so help me Jesus..." Aunt Mary told her daughter. "I'm not lying." Erin said, huffing. "Swear. Swear on Dolly" Mary said, pointing to the picture of Dolly Parton on the wall. "Orla saw it too." Erin argued. "Orla's easily led." The mum of two argued back. Only to have Orla thank her. "Well Caoimhe saw it as well" Erin said, nodding her head in my direction "Caoimhe... Caoimhe can swear on Dolly as well then." 

Just then the door rang, causing me to shove Erin down so I could get up to answer it. As I opened the door I sighed. "What do you want? David?" I asked him, looking back inside to make sure no one was looking, before stepping out and lightly shutting the door. "Can we walk somewhere or something? I don't really want to talk outside your house" David told me, making me quickly nod. "Aye, one minute" I sighed out, opening the door so I could grab my jacket. "Oi, Caoimhe you best not be leaving this house! We have to talk about this" Aunt Mary told me as she saw me making for the door. "Aye Aunt Mary, this can't wait I'm sorry, Erin and Orla know what happened, the same thing happened to me. I'll be back for tea, love you!" I shouted, walking out the door quickly and grabbing David's coat sleeve to drag him away with me.

I turned around just to make sure Aunt Mary wasn't looking at us, to be faced with a much worse sight. Michelle, James and Clare walking down the road to the house, and Erin hanging out the door. "Oh fuck." I said out loud. Dreading the talk that would be bound to happen between all off us. Causing David to turn and look with me. "Oh shit." He agreed. "Wait, what the fuck is that dude wearing like?" David said pointing at James who was staring at us from the door step. "Holy shit, why's he dressed like a priest?" I questioned David, utterly dumbfounded at James getup. "God knows. Anyway. Let's walk?" David said, extending his hand to me. I looked at his hand, then back at his face, before slyly taking his hand in mine and walking off to the river.

See the thing with David Donnelly, is you just can't leave him. He's so cute and charming, with this certain edge too him that just comes naturally, you just can't say no. That's how we ended up on a bench by the river, basically kissing each other's faces off. He leant backwards, looking into my eyes. "Take me back" he whispered, before leaning in and kissing me harshly again. This time I leant back, holding on to the front of his jacket. "What about your band?" I questioned him, knowing he understood what I meant, then leaning in to give him another passionate kiss. "We're taking a break while exams are on, it'll give us more time to sort everything out for when the band starts up again, you'll get so much more of my time" he told me quietly, gently holding onto the sides of my face.

"I- I don't know David. I mean, James is here now and he's not even in a band!" I told him honestly. He looked heart broken. "Don't do this to me, Caoimhe." He said quietly. "Do what?" I questioned him, wanting to understand what he was talking about. "Don't kiss me like you love me, then tell me you're torn between me and some English priest looking dick!" He nearly shouted, causing me to jump back off the bench. "Don't shout at me! David. You don't understand" I told him. "Make me understand, why can't you choose me? I'm here. I always have been and I always will be. You're just too fucking stupid to see that! He won't always be here! He's English for Christ's sake! He'll leave and go back home! And I refuse to be a second choice, Caoimhe. " He shouted at me again. "Maybe then you'll understand how it feels to be second in someone's life. We're done, fully. No more of this. Don't talk to me again. Goodbye David." I told him, for good. "Caoimhe please! Just, if he hurts you, don't come crying to me!" He shouted as I was walking off, knowing we were done for good.

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