2,4•Your Ma Just Killed Her!

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I was sitting on the pue, next to Orla, bored out of my mind. I don't understand the fuss about big weddings, close family is all you need to watch the ceremony, the after party is a different story however. My thoughts were interrupted by the Organ playing, revealing Aunt Sarah walking down the isle... wait what?! Aunt Sarah? I did a double take, and sure enough, there was my aunt dressed all in white. "I didn't know Aunt Sarah was getting married?!" I whisper shouted to Orla and Erin. "Neither did I. Why didn't Ma tell me?" Orla asked in response. "She's not getting married. Idiots. Although I'm afraid this is much worse." Erin said frightfully as Aunt Sarah started walking down our row to sit next on the end of my, next to Mary. The actual bride of the wedding, was following shortly behind Sarah, and gave her a dirty look as she passed. Holy Christ this was gonna be bad.

I was sneaking as much champagne from the table as I could. Although, turns out maybe that wasn't the best idea, considering I was now absolutely out of my head. Jesus Christ! What kind of champagne is that for it to get you drunk so quickly? I walked over to Erin and Orla the best I could, only tripping twice. Luckily they were standing in a corner so I could lean against the wall. "How the hell Are you already drunk, Caoimhe? It's not even 4pm." Erin asked me, annoyed. "It's those Champagne glasses! I don't know what's in it but Jesus it's strong." I told her honestly, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. "Don't let aunt Bridie see you like this, she'll throw a fit" she warned me as I leant my head against her shin. She woke me up with a jolt. "Oh Jesus Christ what?" I questioned "James, Michelle and Clare are here." She whispered to me. I shot up as fast as I could. "JAMES!" I shouted, trying my best to run across the dance floor too him, only falling over just before I reached him. He caught me and leant me against his tall body. "Woahhhh, someones had a bit too much aye?" He asked me, making me giggle. "Oh I see, just ignore you best friend hey?" Michelle jokingly questioned me. I flung myself at her. "Michelleeee!" I drag out while Hugging her. She laughed at my state. "Jesus, you are pissed." She said, handing me back to James, who clung too.

"Caoimhe, Erin, Orla! I said you could invite one friend between you to the reception! One!" Mary reminded us. I pouted and pulled James closer to me, hiding my face in his neck. "Och, Mammy, they don't come separately." Erin told her ma. "Aye, we're pack animals Mary." Michelle told her, which for some reason, made me burst out laughing. "Well,
No old carry-on. Do you hear me? We're in enough bother as it is. And I swear to god James and Erin, please don't let my Aunt Bridie see Caoimhe like that. I'd dread the conversation." Aunt Mary asked my boyfriend, not caring about my drunk state directly, only caring about what people would say about my drunk state. He responded with a firm nod. "I will. And I like your hat mrs Quinn." He told the women. "Thanks son." She replied then pointing her finger at Erin "Best behaviour." She told Erin. We all murmured agreements

"Okay girls, who wants to do drugs?" Michelle excitedly asked. "Me me me!" I said, putting my hand up. I wasn't entirely sure what she meant, busy she said it in a way that sounded fun. James grabbed my hand and lowered it down. "No, baby, you don't want to do that." He whispered to me so no one could hear. "I'm sorry?" Clare asked. "Nothing heavy, just a bit of blow" Michelle added on to her previous ask. "And where are you planning on getting a bit of blow from, Michelle?" Erin seriously asked. A priest walked in between us all, before Michelle motioned for us to follow her. James was dragging me along with him. "Right, well, you know Macca?" Michelle started. "I can't say I do." Erin replied. "Aye. Macca. Big Macca. Come on! Everybody knows Macca" Michelle said, the name ringing a bell. "Is that the guy that's always wearing Cowboy boots? Like no one knows why but he's always in them?" I questioned her. "Aye ! Macca! See everybody knows Macca!" Michelle agreed. I smiled and leant into James a bit more. Happy I knew what she was talking about. "We don't" Clare told the girl. "Wise up! Macca? Macca!" Michelle continued. "That's not helping, Michelle!" Clare shouted at the girl. "Macca. Tall fella, dark hair, wonky nose from when he used to do bare knuckle boxing. Look, he's loads of tattoos, big scar under his left eye. Always wears cowboy boots. He was kicked out of Creggan for joyriding!" Michelle finished her mini speech. "Well, he sounds delightful!" Clare said. "He really does." Me and Orla said at the same time. "He said he can hook us up. Class or what?" Michelle told us, making me cheer. "No, Caoimhe. Drugs are bad." James told me, making me frown. "I'm not sure." Erin said honestly. "Well I am. It's not happening. Drugs are for mugs, folks!" Clare shouted at all of us.

"Congratulations, Clare. That may be the dickiest sentence that anyone's ever said." Michelle told the girl. "Come on, Michelle, what makes you think you can trust this Macca person?" James asked his cousin. "Well he's not English for a start, so." Michelle told her cousin. "James has a point." Erin said, making me angry. "Of course you'd agree with him." I said angered. Why is she always agreeing with James. "Not now, Caoimhe. No, he doesn't have a point!" Michelle told us, making me huff. "What do you mean of course she'd agree with me?" James whispered. I wasn't sure wether telling him this was the right choice, but it was too late to go back now. "She's always agreeing with you, and trying to be near you, and doing her weird awkward flirt thing. I think she fancies you" I told him, he looked at me weirdly. "I don't think so. But even if she did. I don't want her. I want you" he reminded me, making me grin and kiss him. He was just too cute.

"Let's live a little, for fucks sake!" Michelle shouted. "I want no part of this. And if you guys decided to go through with it, then, I'm sorry, but any friendship we have is over." Clare told the curly haired girl just before rock the boat came on. "Rock the boat! ITS ROCK THE BOAT!" Clare screamed in ecstasy. "Happy fucking days!" Michelle shouted. I grabbed James hand and pulled him to the dance floor, making him sit behind me in the chain. We were doing the dance to the song, while listening to Clares small rant about her kneecaps. "Is that true?" James asked. "Aye it is, but it's very rare that someone -Actually- loses their knee caps, it's more of a threat." I told him, while rowing the boat backwards, and looking up at him, grinning. I looked forward again, only to see my Great Aunt Bridie walk over to Mary. "Oh god. This is going to be great." I told the rest of the group. For them all to agree with me.

We couldn't hear most of their conversation, the only part that was loud enough for us to hear was Mary at the very end of it. "Drop dead you spiteful old hag!" She shouted at Bridie. "Oh Jesus Christ. Your Ma just killed her!" I shouted at Erin, scrambling off the floor to rush over to the women how had just fallen down, and was no longer moving. We all looked down at the body, James grabbing my hand out of comfort. "Oh for fucks sake! I hate funerals even more then weddings!" I shouted, annoyed at the fact we'd now have to attended this bitches funeral. Give me a break.

1373 words!

Caoimhes told James about Erin!! Ahhh how will this play out???

Not much to say about this one, only... why do you think Caoimhe hates weddings so much?? Any guesses?

I hold you enjoyed! Vote and comment if you did<3

But yeah, cya tomorrow

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