2,5•At Least I'll Live to See Another Prom.

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I was running late to the meeting at the shopping centre. I left a bit later then Orla and Erin due to the fact that I had to make my eyes look less red and puffy from me crying all night. I walked around the corner where we said we were meeting up, only to bump into Michelle. "Oh, sorry I'm a bit late. You alright?" I asked, falling into step with the group. "Yeah, we were just about to find a phone and call you? Why were you late?" Michelle asked me. I was silent for a while. "Oh...no reason" I said, brushing it off, not wanting to explain the fact that I was crying over her cousin, who also happened to be here.

"Right. I say we hit Primark first." Erin told us. "Classy." Mae responded. "Yeah, well, we have about £17.50 between us, Mae, so needs must." Erin retorted, already annoyed with the girl. "It's grand, I swiped my ma's credit card." Michelle told us all, making me look at her in excitement "is that grand? Or is it actually a criminal offence?" James questioned. I ignored him. "Does this mean we can 'buy' expensive dresses but return them after?!" I squealed kn excitement. See, I learnt that Uncle Gerry and Aunt Mary where right. Even if I can't go with James, I can still go with my friends. "Hell yeah it does, Caoimhe! The money will be back I her account as quick as it went out." Michelle told us, Making me grin. "No way, Jose!" Clare put a stop to our thoughts. "It's totally grand, Clare. I do it all the time. You just have to make sure that you don't, like, spill anything on it, or like, sweat." Michelle said honestly, making me giggle before entering the dress shop.

I had tried on many dresses, before deciding to open the changing room door and reveal myself in my favourite of the bunch.

I felt like a princess in the pastel pink gown with the Gold details

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I felt like a princess in the pastel pink gown with the Gold details. I will admit it wasn't exactly the 50s gown I envisioned, but oh Lord did I love it. I opened the door, soon realising that everyone had chosen their dresses or, ski suit, in Orlas case, and that they were now all waiting on me.
I stepped out of the room fully, allowing everyone to see me.

"Oh my-" James started to say with his Jaw hanging to the floor, before being Interrupted by Michelle. "Holy shit, Caoimhe! You look hot as hell! You need to get that one! I won't accept no for an answer, put it on the counter as soon as you're dressed." Michelle demanded. All the other girls responded in agreement, sprouting words about how pretty or beautiful I looked. Michelle slapped James arm. "Tell her how pretty she is, ballbag. You're already not taking her to prom." Michelle told him angrily, making me blush. "I- I was about to but I was just stunned... you look... wow." He tried to tell me, breathless. "Thank you, James" I responded before turning back Into the changing room. After I had gotten dressed, and we had all 'payed' for the gowns, minus the small kerfuffle between Mae and Jenny, we left the shop.

We were walking through the shopping centre, I was zoned out for almost all of the conversation, only tuning back in when I realised Erin and Clare were in an argument a short distance away from us. "You know what, I don't need this. I'm going." Erin told the short girl. "Good" Clare replied. "Grand" Erin shot back. "Great" Clare carried on. "Fine." Erin finalised before walking away. Quickly changing direction due to going the wrong way.

Sweet as honey • James Maguire Where stories live. Discover now