chapter 38

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"I love you too Marcie."

Marcel kissed the top of my head and leans closer to my ear to whisper something into it.

"Can I watch as you top Edward?" 

Louis' pov 

Harry skips over to me while giggling "Edward is tied up to the pole baby!" I shake my head letting out a chuckle "It seems like you guys are more excited about this then I am!" Harry shrugs "Well he has never bottomed before always topped me and Marcel so it will be fun! Also I stole his captain hat thought that you could wear that!" 

I smile at Harry who is practically jumping up and down in excitement "what are you and Marcel gonna do?" Harry scratches the back of his head "Well I was thinking that we could maybe uhm watch? And maybe have Marcel ride me while you pound Eddie?" 

I stare at Harry with big eyes and a slight blush on my face "What is it darling does the thought of pounding Eddie's ass make you shy?" I huff "Of course not!" 

"You are!" Harry pokes my chest while laughing "I'm not. I'm just low-key scared that he will get angry." 

Harry gives me a smile before pulling me into a tight hug "He won't be angry love he thought that it was quite hot! Now get ready because I put some clothes down for you along with the hat!" Harry pulls away from the hug and pushes me to our chamber to get ready. 

I scoff when I see the clothes that Harry put down for me to wear, it was my light blue jacket and a shirt with some ruffles and some tight pants along with some boots obviously. 

Harry really wants me to look like a captain apparently. I put on the clothes and Edward's hat and look in the mirror with a smirk on my face. Damn I look hot, guess I should thank Harry but first the important matter of the day. 

I walk back onto the deck to see Harry and Marcel staring at me with big eyes "Oh my let's forget about Edward and do me instead!" Harry blurts out which earns him a shove from Marcel "No he should do me!" 

I let out a soft giggle while shaking my head "Sorry loves I already have a date but you are allowed to join!" I give them a wink before making my way to the pole where I find Edward tied up while looking at me with wide eyes. 

"L-Lou y-" "Shush did I tell you that you could speak?" Edward's eyes widen even more before he shakes his head. "Good boy" I walk around him while shamelessly staring at his body before standing still in front of him and grabbing his hair to make him look me in the eye again "Are you gonna be a good boy? Would be a shame if I had to punish you wouldn't it?" Edward gives me a tiny nod while a blush creeps onto his face which makes him almost look cute. 

I bend over next to Edward to untie him with my bum right in his sight knowing that that is his weakness. 

I hear Edward groan making me smirk. I stand upright again with the rope that's connected to his neck in my hand and give it a small tug "Come on follow me pet." Edward scrambles of the floor and walks after me with his head down while we pass a laughing crew member before walking into Marcel's office. 

I notice Harry and Marcel sitting on a chair staring at us with big smiles on their faces making me roll my eyes before making my way to the chair that's behind the desk. 

"Kneel pet!" I snap my finger at the floor and sit down on the chair with a smirk on my face. 

Edward kneels down and looks at the ground, I roll my eyes and yank his head up by his hair making him look at me "You are gonna strip like the good little pet you are and then you are gonna give your master a show by riding your fingers like the slut you are" I raise eyebrow at Edward "Words pet!" 

"Yes m-master" I let go of his hair and sit back in the chair "Go on pet." 

Edward nods and takes his shirt of slowly and then stands up to take off his pants. Once he's naked he gives me an unsure look "Suck on your fingers and put on of your legs on the desk so I can enjoy the view." 

Edward puts his leg up on the desk and puts two fingers in his mouth and loudly sucks on them making me groan and unbutton my pants before taking out my semi hard cock and tugging on it slightly while staring at Edward. 

"Stop sucking they are wet enough, get yourself nice and open pet." I hear Marcel and Harry moan but pay no attention to it instead I just look at Edward who slowly pushes one finger in and lets out a soft whine "How does it feel pet? tell me!" 

"I-It's feels weird m-master" Edward says in between small moans "Add another one" I say before spitting in my hand to lube up my cock so I'm ready for Edward once he's open. 

Edward pumps his two fingers into himself in a fast pace "M-Master please!" He whimpers out while looking at me over his shoulder. 

"Tell me what you want pet!" Edward whines again "please use me master!" I smirk at him and pull his hand away making him groan at the loss of pleasure. 

"Chest on the desk and push out the pretty bum for me" Edward does as I say and I line myself up with him while tightening my hold of the rope that's tied around his neck. 

"Ready pet?" Before Edward could even answer I push into him in a rough way. 

"Ah M-Master" Edward moans out while I trust into him hard and fast "Like that huh pet! Being fucked like the little slut you are!" Edward lets out a small scream "Y-es Oh t-there!" I smirk knowing that I've found his prostate. 

I position myself in a way so I hit his prostate with every movement "I'm g-gonna ahh" "Hold it! I cum first you slut!" Edward groans but nods anyway. 

I fasten my pace even more before I feel my stomach tighten and my thighs shake I give a yack on the rope and slam into Edward once more before cumming in him. 

"Cum pet!" Edward let's out a loud moan and cums all over Marcel's desk, I ride out my high before putting out of Edward. 

"Well that was fun" I look around the room to see a messy and very much naked Harry and Marcel. Edward gets of the desk with shaky legs and a smile on his face "That was amazing, I should really bottom more." He walks closer to me and pulls me to his chest "You look awesome like this hun!" He grabs the hat off my head and puts it on his own head before pulling me into a loving and gentle kiss. Marcel and Harry soon enough join the hugging and kissing session telling us how hot it was. 

We all get dressed again and make out way onto the deck again when it's already dark again while Edward glares at the still laughing crew member. 

Suddenly my eyes fall on something "Loves can it be true that I see glowing water?!" The triplets gasp and run to the edge of the ship with me and cheer "Yes! Yes! We are here!" 

I stare at the glowing water with wide eyes. 

Well this is it, time to get this party started hopefully no one dies this time. 

:) Yall happy with that ???


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