chapter 40

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Tw: character death

"It takes the death of a pure at heart person"

I stare at her in shock before taking the decision.

"I will do it." 

Louis' pov 

The girl stares at me and shakes her head "No you won't do" I stare at her with questioning eyes "Why not!?" The girl lets out a sigh "Well you see you are pure at heart but your heart has know so much battle and hurt that it will not be strong enough the help those idiots" She points at Marcel and Edward who are currently running in their spot, which would be very funny if they weren't possessed by literal fucking demons.  

Her eyes then fall on Ron "She however will be able to do it" Ron's eyes widen and she shakes her head "Hell no you crazy island bitch I will not die for Edward. I would have maybe done it if it was only Marcel because he's quite cute but not fucking Edward." 

I stare at Ron with wide eyes "Ron please think about it!" Ron then turns to me "What's there to think about Louis? Hmm yeah lemme just die so that those two can live! Dying is very much  permanent for some people Louis!" Ron yells at me making my frown. 

"But they are all I have" Ron rolls her eyes "Harry is still normal and he's the best one of the three so just be happy and let me live!"

"I'm the best one?" Harry asks with a smug tone but soon whines when Ron hits him in the back of the head. 

I grab Ron's arm and look at her with pleading eyes "Please Ron you might not understand but I can't live without them!" Ron shake her head and pulls her arm free "No Louis I do understand because that jerk you're asking me to die for killed the one I loved!" 

My eyes widen "What? I didn't know that?" "That's because he made sure no one knew, he beat me to make sure I wouldn't tell anyone and you know why he did it?" I shake my head "because she 'stole' food that was his, it was a bad year we couldn't get enough food and she was so hungry so she stole a small piece of bread from the captains stash of food that was may I add enough to feed the whole crew including them for at least 2 weeks!" 

I look at Harry who looked shocked as well "I-I didn't know, he said that she died from starvation. Ron I'm so sorry that he did that!" Ron shrugs and has a troubled look on her face that soon fades and turns into an emotionless one but I can see a slight hint of sadness. She looks at all of us before giving us a small smile "Well she didn't and this story is out now might as well die already because I'm sure you fuckers will find a way to bring them back so... bye idiots." 

I try to catch her arm before the knife she's holding makes contact with her throat but I'm not fast enough. 

I watch in horror as she falls to the ground and twitches while bleeding out. The girl walks over to her now none moving body and catches some blood in her hands and makes her way over to Marcel and Edward and pours it down their throats which makes them fall to the ground and twitch as well. 

She makes her way back to us "They will be back to normal soon as for her... I'm very sorry I'm not sure that we can help her." A tear rolls down my face while I look at her now dead body "I can't believe that she's gone." I choke out making Harry rush over to pull me into a tight hug while also softly crying. 

Zayn puts his head on my shoulder with a sad look on his face "She will be with her love now, she will be at her home." I pull Zayn into the hug as well "I will miss her. She was such an amazing person." I mumble in-between sobs. 

I hear Zayn hum in agreement "She really made the crew happy and was always there for everyone but no one knew that she was struggling." He says softly making my heart ache at the thought. 

"W-what happened?" 

I look up with sad eyes to see a confused looking Marcel and Edward standing there looking at Ron's dead body with shock. 

"S-she give her life for you." I notice Edward's eyes widen and he opens his mouth to say something but I stop him "Don't say anything Edward! We heard what you did to her girlfriend and believe me she gave her life because she knew that you would kill her anyway because we would get you guys back either way." 

Marcel gives Edward a shocked look "You killed Winter?" Edward looks down with an guilty look on his face a nods slightly. 

"I-I didn't mean to! I swear I didn't mean to! I was weak and stupid and I hurt Ron who is- was like a sister to me! I loved her so much I really did!" Edward falls to his knees while sobbing loudly into Ron's chest. 

I'm sorry about the short chapter but my head is absolutely killing me. 


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