chapter 49

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tw: death

No one could expect this, we weren't ready.

I look down at my hands that are still covered in blood some mine some not.

Louis' pov 

I sob into my hands, how could this have happened? Why was I the one that survived... I would have rather died with everyone then survive and be without the loves of my life. 

I don't want to be here without them, I need them in my life. Without them life isn't worth living. 

It would be living without a home for the rest of my life. 

I can't live without them. 

My sobs get louder and I can feel my whole body shake as I cry. 

"You ok my dude?" I look up to see Ron staring at me with a confused yet amused look on her face. I gasp and jump up "Oh My you're alive!" I tackle her into a tight hug, so tight that I can hear her make choking sounds. 

"Yeah of course I'm alive...." I look at her with hopeful eyes "What about Harry, Marcel and Edward?" Her face falls slightly making my heart drop. 

"Sorry Lou." My lips quivers and tears run down my face, my heart feels heavy and empty, why them? 

Out of nowhere Ron starts laugh making me frown. 

"Oh my god you should have seen your face! Ha they are in the kitchen... all of them sadly, I should have payed the fucking squid to eat Edward. Wait do squids eat humans?" 

If looks could kill Ron would have been buried already "What the hell Ron! You bitch!" I get off the ground and run to the kitchen while listing to Ron laughing like a crazy bitch. 

I walk into the kitchen to indeed find Marcel, Edward and a very gross wet looking Harry.

"You guys are ok!" I gasp out I honestly can't believe it. How?

All three of them smile at me and Marcel is the first one to kiss me and once he pulls back Edward takes his place. 

Harry tries to take Edward's place but I quickly take a step back "No you're like very gross! What even happened to you! And how are you all still alive! I was so scared." 

All three of them coo and Marcel pulls me on his lap and Edward soon puts my feet on his lap while Harry starts explaining. 

"Well you know Edward and Marcel were just being little bitches, Edward passed out after being smashed with the squid arm while Marcel passed out after hitting the railing so they were not helpful at all." Edward was about to smack Harry behind the head but seems to realize that Harry is still covered in gross slimy stuff. 

Harry gives Edward a silly smile before continuing with the story "So fast forward to where you are firing arrows at the squid to make it open his beak which you did amazingly by the way, I jumped into his beak right on the moment he knocked the birds nest down. I was so scared that you wouldn't survive it but I had to keep going. So basically I killed the squid from the inside and I somehow survived that! Edward and Marcel said that some weird wave washed me back onto the ship after the squid had died." 

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