Chapter 1

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I breathed in the London air, and sighed contently. It's been a few years since I was back here. I loved it. The busy streets, coffee shops and people running to catch there desired taxis and trains. The familiarity of it all was soothing.

I hurried down the street towards my residence. A small rented apartment, though I heard it was mostly a basement really. But I didn't mind. The landlady that had spoken to me over the phone sounded very nice and as long as I had a place to stay with the essentials covered, I didn't care how small it was. It's not like I'll be spending most of my time there much anyway. I wasn't the type of person to just sit at home all day doing nothing. Sure I liked to read a lot, but most of the time I would always go to the library or a bookshop. Most days I preferred to be active.

I finally arrived out side a black door with a gold knocker.

Assuming my basement-apartment was inside, I knocked on the door and stood back.

"Coming!" Someone yelled from inside. The door opened and a small lady with gingery hair stepped out wearing a colourful apron. She smiled brightly at me.

"Oh! You must be the young lady that rented 221c! Oh come in come in" she ushered me inside excitedly. I smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Hi I'm Britannica" I introduced myself shaking a flour covered hand. "But please call me Brie"

"Hello dear, I'm Mrs Hudson" she beamed as she lead me through a narrow hall way, all the while rambling happily about how she was happy that she had finally been able to rent out the small apartment.

My mind started to wonder over her appearance, and I recognised the familiar process of what my brain does. Observing and drawing conclusions. I have long since given up trying to stop my mind from going down this path, and instead now went with it.

Lives alone. It started. Husband divorced? No dead. Executed. Sad? No relieved.

I frowned, she can't live completely alone. By the looks of it she was baking something, biscuits? and there was a lot of it. So not for her. Ah yes. Neighbours. Two of them. Men. They must be the current occupants of 221b upstairs.

I listed off the findings in my head as we came to a small door. '221c' it said.

"Here we are" said Mrs Hudson. "Now I know it's a bit rusty but I'm sure I can help you liven it up a bit dear" she said kindly, a bit apologetic.

"No worries!" I reassured. "I can handle it. It would give me something to keep busy with for a while" I told her cheerfully.

"Alright then! just put your suitcase in there and pop over for a cuppa" she invited. "But just this once of course. I'm not your housekeeper dear" she said good humourly, and as if by practice. The two upstairs must be a handful. My mind supplied.

"Of course" I smiled warmly and unlocked the door to my flat and walked in. The landlady left with a cheerful goodbye and I closed the door after her.

(A/n- Tbh I'm too lazy to describe the inside of the flat and everything:) U guys can imagine what it looks like right?)

I put my suitcase in the corner of the small bedroom and left the flat. I knocked on the door to Mrs Hudson's and waited for her to open it. She came out with a bright smile.

"Oh there you are! Come in! Oh it's lovely to have another girl around here for once." She said excitedly, while I smiled at her.

"So are the neighbours nice?" I asked conversationally, and quite curiously.

"Oh yes" She said. "Although it might take a little while to get used to them dear. Especially Sherlock. John is very friendly though. They're both quite lovely once you get to know them!" she relayed, as I listened while sipping my tea carefully. I was very interested to meet these gentlemen.

"Oh there they are now!" Said Mrs Hudson suddenly. I heard the door to the building open and close with a bang down the hallway. Well, here we go.

"Mrs Hudson!" A voice yelled. Mrs Hudson quickly opened the door and went out to greet them. I followed suit.

Two men, one tall and one quite short in comparison, stood in the entrance to the building, taking their coats and scarves off and hanging them up hurridely.

(A/n- okay so this is set a little before the blind banker, but after the study in pink and also the case mentioned now isn't either one of these)

"Did the case go well then?"  Mrs Hudson asked, while I stood behind her eyeing the two curiously. Case? Police? No. Detectives? Maybe. Not private detectives. They likely mean a police case and police don't go to private detectives.

"Yes. Easy. Gavin was being stupid as usual" the tall one answered nonchalantly. Sherlock.

"Greg" corrected the other man, shortly. So this must be John. My mind started up again. Soldier. Yes but that's not just it. Doctor? Army doctor, my brain concluded.

I wondered if I could get a look at his phone. Sherlock then caught sight of me and sized me up. Observing. I realised. So he's not an amateur. Makes sense. Arrogant. Doesn't get paid. So how does he afford- Oh. Rich family. Possibly older sibling who has a high status job. Business or politics. Why rent a flat? Sibling rivalry. Enjoys his current life. Crime solving? Has to be the interesting ones. I guessed, by his comment earlier. Easily bored. Huh. This guy was relatable. Though I had the feeling he's not that keen about me. I eyed his fingertips. Plays violin.

I snapped out of my deductions, as I realised John eyeing me curiously.

"Hi" I spoke up.

"Sherlock, John this is-" Mrs Hudson began.

"New neighbour" Sherlock interrupted. "Mid-twenties, born in London. Away for 6 no 7 years. Free-lance writer. Used to be an accountant I believe. Broke up with your boyfriend, which made you move back here. For what? Comfort? How sentimental. In short. Boring" Sherlock finished.

Jackass. Sure it was amazing and all but he seemed to have no respect for other people's privacy. No friends. I frowned. One friend, I corrected, my eyes straying over to John.

"Sherlock" John reprimanded, annoyed. He turned to me with an apologetic smile.

"Hi I'm John Watson" he introduced himself holding out a hand for me to shake.

"I'm Brie nice to meet you" I said politely, smiling back at him.
Sherlock scoffed and swept passed us, as he dissapeared up the stairs.

"Sorry about him" John grimaced  "not much of a people person.

"That's quite alright Dr Watson" I reassured.

He frowned slightly, confused. Then shook it off and smiled. oh. I mentally smacked myself. He hadn't mentioned his Dr status yet.

"Well you're welcome to join us upstairs anytime. You know for tea or something" he said. I smiled and nodded with a small thank you.

He followed Sherlock upstairs. It had gotten quite late, so I bid a small goodnight to Mrs Hudson and went back to my flat for some shut eye. I decided I would explore tomorrow and familiarise myself with the streets again. Not that my photographic memory really needed that.

I changed into pijamas and practically fell into my bed. My eyes fluttered shut and I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

A/n- hi! This is a new sudden idea I had for a fanfic. Hope u like it. Also u guys should go and check out my other fanfics if u haven't already! Promise they're good:) tho I haven't written that much, but I update mostly regularly sooo...

K byeee

Sentiment Is Weakness...Or Is It? (SherlockxOC)Where stories live. Discover now