Chapter 3

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"When you said we were going to the bank..." said John as we walked up the big escalator. The place was huge. Glass offices everywhere. There were people dressed in fancy business suits milling about. Sherlock walked up to the receptionist desk.

"Sherlock Holmes" he said. The receptionist nodded, and made a call.

Soon we were being lead through a hallway by Sebastian Moran.
"This my friend John Watson" Sherlock introduced.

"Friend?" Moran asked incredulously.

"Colleague" amended John quickly.

Moran then turned to me, eyeing me with a disgustingly hungry look in his eyes.
"What is a pretty young woman like you doing with these two?" He questioned, attempting to sound flirtatious. John looked about to jump in and answer, so I replied.

"Neighbours" I replied. "Briana Kingsley" I said curtly.

"Pleasure to meet you" he said holding his hand out with a grin.
I crossed my arms, looking at him blankly.
I could've sworn I saw the corner of Sherlock's mouth twitch the slightest bit, as Moran arkwardly brought his hand back to his side, clearing his throat.

He went and sat down in his chair, and we took the three in front of his desk, me next to John and Sherlock on his other side. I looked at the man in front of me.

Been abroad a lot. I listened as Sherlock reapeated my thought.
Around the world. Twice in one month. I listed as my gaze flickered to his watch. On cue Sherlock made his deductions known.

"Right! You're doing that thing" said Sebastian with a laugh.

"We were at uni together and this guy he had this little trick he used to do" he explained, turning to Me and John.

"It's not a trick" Sherlock muttered.

"He could look at you and tell him your whole life story" he continued. Not hard, his life seems pretty boring anyway.

"Yes I've seen him do it" said John, his voice carrying a hint of impatience.

"Put the wind up everybody, we hated him. We'd come down to breakfast in the formal hall, and this freak would know who you'd been shagging the previous night" he said with an amused smile.

I clenched my fists, trying to keep from punching the asshole in the face. 'Freak'. I despised the word. It had haunted my childhood. I glanced at Sherlock through Moran's rant and could see the agitation and recoile in his features. His eyes downcast and clearly hoping this conversation would end. It was well hidden but observing was my strong point and to me, it was as clear as day. It reminded me of myself as a child when I had to listen to bullshit like this. This only made me want to punch this man even more, and I was now making a visible attempt to hold myself back.

"I simply observed" said Sherlock, the slightest tremour in his voice.

Moran listed off a some deductions that he believed to be the ones Sherlock had made. Stupid, each one of them. What an idiot. Stain? This man didn't look like someone to wear anything but cleaned suits and polished shoes. If I had even the sliver of respect for him before, which I hadn't, it would have vanished by now.

I saw Sherlock's eyes harden his face returning to it's usual emotionless mask.
"I was just chatting with your secoratary outside" he informed, in a monotone voice. "She told me".
I scoffed, causing Sherlock to glance at me out of the corner of his eye. John looked at him confused.

Moran let out an ugly laugh, like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"I'm glad you could make it over. We've had a break in" he said after a while.

Finally! The good stuff.

He informed us of the mysterious paint job done within 60 seconds. My interest was peaked. There were clearly no other ways into the office except the window, which I dismissed as an option for now due to the sheer height.

I followed Sherlock, as John accepted the paycheck from Moran, watching as he did an amusing dance around the floor. Popping his head out from various computers and walls, while the people around wondering around looked at him like he had gone insane. I knew what he was doing of course, but chose to stand back and let him have the dance floor.

He finally stopped in one of the offices and took the name off the door, walking back towards me.

"You got something?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh yes here" he handed me the name slip.

'Edward Vancoon'. Ah, this must be who the message was meant for.

"Why are you still here?" He suddenly asked impatiently. I looked up.

"Well because John invited me and this is way better than anything I could have thought to do today" I said back.

He frowned and looked me over once, then scoff, turning around to leave. I followed.

"Two trips around the world this month? You didn't ask his secretary you said that just to irritate him" said John. Sherlock smiled, a mischievious glint in his eyes.

"How did you know?"

"Did you see his watch? Time was right. Date was wrong. It was set two days ago. Crossed the date line twice and he didn't alter it" Sheock said simply.

"Within a month? How did you get that part?"

"New Brightling" I answered automatically, "only came out this month"

John looked at me surprised, and Sherlock stopped abruptly at the top of the escalator, turning around.
Damn and I was doing so well. I faltered under his scrutinizing gaze.

"Well observed" he said shortly, before turning around and walking away.

John just stood there gaping after him. "Was that?...d-did he jus- was that a compliment?" He stuttered out.

I nodded. "I think so"
We went after Sherlock.

"Where to now?" John asked.

"Not many Vancoons in the phone book" I said, handing him the slip with a grin, as Sherlock called a taxi.

A/n- just keep reading u guys! Promise it's not exactly the same as the normal one. It gets different towards the end:) K byeee

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