Chapter 2

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I woke to the sound of banging and clattering coming from above me. I groaned and sat up. Coffee. I need coffee.

And what the hell was going on upstairs?

I dragged myself out of bed. I know I said I was usually active, but that does not mean I'm much of a morning person. Especially when there's nothing overly exciting to look forward to. Or so I thought.

I made myself a cup of coffee, fixed my brown wavy hair so I looked somewhat presentable and threw on a  light turquoise coloured robe, before making my way upstairs. John did say I was welcome anytime.

I made it to the door of their flat, and looked in, my eyes widening in surprise as I located the source of the noise. A small grin appeared on my face before I could stop it. Now this was more like it.

Sherlock was darting around the room locked in a very entertaining sword fight with a masked man. His face was covered in a scarf and he had a long metallic katana, with which he was currently trying to decapitate the curly haired detective. Sherlock wasn't disadvantaged though. I watched in interest as he avoided the swings and held his own with no weapons to assist him. He was good.

I smirked a little as the ninja man finally got the upper hand and pinned Sherlock to a table with his sword against his neck. I didn't doubt that Sherlock could easily get himself out of the situation, but I decided this was a good time to announce my presence.

I cleared my throat and rapped my knuckles against the door, watching with amusement as the larger man whipped around startled at the sound.  Sherlock used this to his advantage and kicked the man off him.

The fight carried on for another minute or so, and I watched patiently from the doorway. Sherlock finally managed to knock out the other man and he fell to the floor with a thud. He checked his reflection in the mirror and straightened his jacket as if he didn't break a sweat. I raised an eyebrow.

He turned to face me with a frown.
"What are you doing here?" He asked sounding slightly annoyed but with a hint of curiosity.

"Well, I heard the racket and came up here to tell you to keep it down. But there was a show so I stayed to watch" I sad slyly, and made my way over to his couch to sit and drink the rest of my coffee.

"That's my couch" he snapped.

"I don't see your name on it" I snarked back, childishly.

We had a short staring contest before he huffed in annoyance and turned towards the man unconcious on the floor. I smiled triumphantly and proceeded to make myself comfortable on the couch. He eyed the body with disdain and I snorted.

"Well, suppose you have to carry your guest downstairs now huh?"

He frowned. "Could throw him out the window"

"Don't think the bins would appreciate that" I said dismissively.

He once again eyed me curiously, understandably a little surprised at my nonchalance.

"Did I get anything wrong" he asked suddenly as he heaved the body up and started dragging him towards the door.

"Yesterday?" I asked.

He gave a short nod.

"Fiance" I said simply. He froze in his tracks for a moment, before cursing under his breath.

"Fiance!" He muttered.

He dissapeared down the stairs and I heard the thunk of the unfortunate body against the steps. He reappeared again dusting his hands off, and looked at me.

"Do you plan to stay?" He asked.

"Can't I?" I questioned. I was beggining to think that Sherlock was quite interesting and was a little reluctant to go back to my boring flat.

He studied me for a while, before relenting. "Fine" he muttered. "Just don't be a nuisance"

He went over and plopped down on the armchair before taking a newspaper out and starting to read it.
I thought for a second before deciding that I should probably get dressed. I got up to go back downstairs.

"Thought you were staying" Sherlock said, his eyes still on the paper.

"Yeah. But unless you have any t-shirts and jeans in my size, I'm gonna go and get dressed" I replied, then added a "don't worry I'll be back" with a smirk.

He scowled up at me, "If you must", then went back to reading.

I went down the stairs, back to my flat and got ready for the day. I pulled on a light blue t-shirt and a pair of denim jeans. Then I pulled a brush through my waves and let them fall down just past my shoulders. I put on some lipgloss and my silver locket that my mom gave me and looked at myself in the mirror. Sufficient.

I then made my way back up the stairs. Sherlock had moved from his earlier position and was now sat at the desk, on his laptop. John's laptop.

He looked up briefly as I entered, then went straight back to staring at the screen. I went to the kitchen to make myself another cup of coffee, befire remembering Sherlock's lack of groceries.

"I thought I heard John coming back from the shops?" I called out to the living room.

"He had a row with the chip and pin machine" he called back simply.

Right. I shook my head in amusement. The table in the kitchen was littered with vials, testtubes and the odd eyeball.

"Experiment?" I asked.

Silence. I guessed that he probably nodded, forgetting that I couldn't see him.

The door to the building opened and shut downstairs. Shoes thudded up the stairs and I came out of the kitchen.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine" John huffed, sounding out of breath. Sherlock merely grunted and kept staring at the screen. I went over and took a few bags off his hands.

"Oh hi Brie! Didn't realise you were here. Thank you" he said looking pointedly at Sherlock, who was paying no attention to him. We set the bags in the kitchen and I proceeded to unpack them, while John went into the living room.

"Hey is that my laptop?" He asked sharply.

"Huh? Oh yeah" said Sherlock distractedly.

I finished putting them away and went into the living room.

"...took me a couple of seconds to guess yours" Sheock was saying.

He suddenly got off the chair and started putting his coat on.

"Where are you going?" John asked.
"To the bank" he said simply, obviously expecting John to follow. Said doctor followed with a sigh. I stood to the side as they left. John then stopped at the doorway and turned back to me.

"Wanna come?" He asked.

I brightened. "of course!"
I smirked as I heard Sheock sigh in exhasperation and annoyance downstairs.

This should be interesting. I grabbed my denim jacket from my flat and followed them out the door onto the streets of London.

A/n- Chapter 2!!Comment whether you like it so far! K byeee

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