Chapter 1

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Title: Room 317 (Ch1)
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Louis
Rating: R
Summary: Louis has a habit of not complaining. Harry hates it because, sometimes if you don’t complain, bad things happen; like ending up in the ICU.
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction – i.e. it had never happened. All real people in this story own themselves and I am in no way affiliated with them. Nor do I make any money.
Author’s Notes: First time writing 1D fic so please be kind.

FOR TRANSLATED VERSIONS in French, Polish, Spanish, Italian and Russian please check my bio in my profile. Hopefully a German version will follow shortly.

Tuesday 11:02 pm – Somewhere on the M4

Harry fished his I-phone out of his pocket, accidentally nudging Niall with his elbow, and read his new text. “Ha, that’s funny, my mum’s just bought the new and improved Nokia. I told you she would.”

“How can something be ‘new’ and ‘improved’ if it is new? What was it improving on?” Louis sing-songed back absently as he typed away on his laptop. Louis was obsessed with Twitter. “Hey,” he said suddenly, “do you think it is legal to travel down a road in reverse, as long as your follow the direction of the traffic?”

“What?” Harry snorted as he elbowed his friend in the ribs and laughed, “Stop talking crazy, mate.”

“I’m just saying…” Louis shrugged and then grinned, “like, if you managed to dig a hole to China, and you fell in, would you stop in the middle because of gravity?”

“Dig a hole and I’ll push you in so you can find out,” Harry threw back automatically.

“Aww, you would do that for me? Really? You say the sweetest things.” Louis batted his eyelashes and then playfully squeezed Harry’s thigh. Harry fidgeted and glanced across the car at Liam, who was watching them both in amusement. Liam had twisted in his seat to lean back against the car door and had his legs curled up on the middle seat with Zayn’s. It was a familiar sight – Zayn and Liam had a habit of letting their limbs naturally gravitate together in close spaces. Harry thought it was hilarious because although Liam and Zayn were the best of friends they were also as heterosexual as you can possibly be without being an arsehole. But around each other, as well as Harry, Louis and Niall, they let themselves go completely. The closeness and affection they all had with each other was almost more liberal than which they shared with girlfriends – and sometimes a lot less awkward too! Harry had long ago stopped trying to rationalise their bond in his head. Now he just accepted it and went with the flow – especially when it came to Louis and his crazy antics.

As per usual, Zayn was already asleep, arms crossed against his chest and chin lolling with every gentle roll of the car. Anything longer than a twenty-minute journey Zayn, without fail, would be asleep before the timer hit the 21 minutes. Liam wasn’t much better either and his eyes were already hooded. Harry wished he could fall asleep with such ease but, generally, he had to be lying in a proper bed to get any decent shut-eye. Niall didn’t tend to drop off in public like Zayn and Liam did either unless he was incredibly tired. Harry glanced to his right, at his Irish friend, and smiled to see Niall’s eyes blinking and drooping as he played with his phone. Like the effect of yawning, Harry felt his own eyes starting to droop – maybe he could go for a little nap after all.

Louis was the only one of them who seemed to remain perky every second of the waking hours - no matter what. Harry had never even seen Louis resting his eyes - except in a joking manner when he was playing it up for the camera. Therefore, Louis could always be counted on to be a source of entertainment during travel and down time (whenever he wasn’t playing with his inferno laptop) and Harry adored his friend for that.

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