Chapter 9: My Calm (Part 2)

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My body was sore. An oddly pleasant feeling confirming that I had indeed not died. I could still remember the white world easily and all the information I had been told. I was surprised that the being inside hadn't made my memory vaguer however it wasn't the time to mull it over. Right now I had to figure out where I was.

I opened my eyes to a dim room lit by the light of a single window. The room itself was nicely furnished and I was lying in a comfortable bed covered in blankets. Wherever I was, it seemed like I was safe.

"Oh you're awake," Taylor's voice came from the window as her head poked from below. She easily pulled herself in holding a paper bag in her arms.

"That's it?" I looked at her in pretend annoyance. "Shouldn't you be more happy and embrace me in tears?"

She laughed and plonked herself in the chair beside me, "Not quite my thing, I'll leave that to someone else. Though I am happy you're awake. Apple?" she took a fruit from the bag and held it out to me. "Don't worry I didn't steal them if that's what you're wondering."

"I didn't think you did," I reached for the apple feeling the strain in my arms. In the end it fumbled from my fingers as they shook unsteadily.

Taylor picked up the apple, "Looks like you're not at 100% yet."

"Just how long was I out for?" I asked with a sigh.

"This is the fourth day," she replied casually and began to peel the apple with a knife. "Consider yourself lucky. Marley spent hours working to bring you back from the brink. Honestly I thought you were a goner but look at yourself now, not even a scar."

And that would explain the tension in my body. With how I was covered in acid Marley would have had to heal far more than just my skin and muscle. Even as good as she was there would still be side effects.

"I'll have to thank her later," I relaxed into the bed. "Anyway, where are we?"

"We're back in Greytree. Couldn't really go on with Ronalt, Ardent and you all down. Here," she offered me a cut piece of apple holding it in her fingers.

"Umm thanks," I opened my mouth and she popped it in. The taste of the sweet fruit made my stomach rumble. I hid my embarrassment. After all it made entire sense I was hungry after four days of not eating.

"Hungry?" Taylor smirked and held out another slice towards me. "Say pretty please."

I frowned refusing to take her bait, "What happened to Ardent?"

Taylor pouted at my refusal and ate the apple herself. "He collapsed after using his spell. It was like a shower of stars raining down through the clouds and for what it's worth, yes it killed the Monster. I doubt any living thing could survive that." A flood of relief passed through me easing my body and mind more than I thought possible. Ardent really did it. Looks like I owed more favours. "Just don't expect him to do it again. Seemed like a one off thing. Shame as it would probably even kill the Demon Lord."

"How about everyone else, are they okay?" I asked while eyeing the rest of the apple slices unconsciously.

"Everyone is fine. Ronalt woke up two days ago and Ardent yesterday. Lara is in perfect health as usual, as is Marley. Unfortunately for you though Marley's been recruited to help heal injuries in the fortress so it'll be awhile till she can check up on you. That girl is a crazy good healer, like seriously, you should be dead. The carriage also took a beating. The bird's fine as well."

"I'm glad," I smiled incredibly satisfied. After everything that happened to know it was over was the best thing I could wish for. Though on a darker note I just had to not die in the next three days....

Taylor stared at me stunned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing... just, I didn't know you could smile like that," her eyes were intently locked onto me.

I flushed, "I-is that a problem?"

"No, I like it," she smiled herself and I felt my heart thump alarmingly. "Here," she offered me another slice of apple.

"You're not going to make me say please?" I looked at it dubiously.

"Just open your mouth and eat the damn thing," she shoved the fruit almost forcefully into my mouth.

The door opened while I was chewing. Ronalt and behind him, Lara.

"Rain, you're awake!" Lara immediately jumped to my side. "How do you feel? Are you okay? Is there anything you need?" her eyes were beginning to tear up. I knew I said it to Taylor as a joke before but I didn't expect someone too actually greet me all teary eyed. Taylor gave me a knowing look and smirked.

"I'm fine," I replied, "or at least mostly." It was still a struggle to move.

"Rain it's good to see you," Ronalt nodded to me with a complicated expression. He wasn't wearing his armour so he was less intimidating but he was still a big man regardless.

"It's good to see you as well," I replied politely.

His hands clenched and unclenched as he stared at me on the verge of speaking. I honestly couldn't tell if he was mad or not. A part of me seriously considered begging for my life just in case. If he wanted to kill me the least he could do was wait three days.

Lara noticed his plight and took Taylor's hand, "Taylor umm... I need your help. Come with me." She was pulled away confused, taking my apples with her. I watched the fruit leave with hungry eyes.

The door closed behind them and for a solid minute Ronalt did nothing but stand at the side of the bed. At this point someone would usually try ease the tension but by the Goddess it wasn't going to be me. It was hard enough not to try dive out the window.

"Rain-," Ronalt began but stopped. I waited patiently for him to continue. "Rain I will say this outright. I'm- I'm sorry." He bowed his head.

"Huh?" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I ignored your warning and took us down a path far too dangerous. The Monster could have killed us all. If it were not for your potions I would have died. I had too much confidence and more so... I did not have enough in you."

"...." What the hell was I meant to say to that? I didn't expect him to apologise let alone in that manner.

He lifted his head, "It may be presumptuous of me to ask, but Rain I ask that you continue to travel with us. You are just as much of an asset to this party as I am, if not more so."

I couldn't help smile at his awkwardness, "I have a job to do and I'm not planning on ending it now." That and there was still a huge potential for me to be targeted even if Ronalt let me leave.

"Thank you, truly," he bowed once more. "I'll let you rest."

As he turned to leave the room I raised my hand weakly, "Umm...."

He stopped at the door, "Yes?"

"Could you please send me some food? I'm pretty hungry...." My stomach gurgled.

His lips curled ever so slightly and the sound of a chuckle escaped, "I'll see what I can do." With that he closed the door.

I stared blankly at the door. Did Ronalt just laugh?

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