Chapter 17: Our Demons. (Part 4)

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Apparently Ardent, Taylor and Lara disappearing was a bad thing. Without guidance the three had gone together to explore but what that led to was something I was hoping to avoid. Though to be honest it was bound to happen and close to the border, as remote as we seemed, there was no way around it. Ronalt and I found them just in time.

In a small square not far from the port a single cage stood above the crowd on a stage. Demons gazed up and jeered at its occupant while a well-dressed demon spoke.

"This here is the enemy. The vile creatures who took our land and destroyed our homes!" he pointed to the malnourished man inside the cage. It was no one I recognised but the sight caused a pain in my chest, not because of the man but Lara's wide eyes staring at him. He was human.

The well-dressed demon continued, "Rise my fellow demons and follow our Lord! He, the one true power, will destroy the humans and return us a glory never seen!" If anything he was good at riling up the crowd. Jeers and chants threw out from their lips and rubbish fell against the cage's steel. The man inside could only look down in defeat.

Ronalt sighed beside me, "This was unavoidable."

"Yeah...," I shook my head and stared ahead to where Lara stood beside Taylor and Ardent. Ardent had a clear but understanding frown whereas Taylor seemed indifferent. Lara however, her eyes were wide and shaking as if unable to understand what she was seeing. Her hand hovered above the hilt of her sword unsure whether to grasp it or not.

"Lara stop," I grabbed her hand and pulled it away. "All of you, we're leaving."

"But-," Lara opened her mouth.

Ronalt shook his head dismissing her, "Not here."

We pulled them to the nearby alley and away from the crowd. Here the chanting was barely audible and the sight of the caged man now covered.

As soon as we were safe Lara pulled away, "We- we have to help him." Her voice shook.

I looked at Ronalt and he looked at me. We both knew the risks involved. Our entire mission could end here if we played this wrong.

Taylor came to our rescue with a callous disregard, "Why?" Her question aimed at Lara piercingly.

Lara faced her seriously, "He's in trouble. I can't just sit here and do nothing! What they're doing is monstrous."

A dark smirk gilded Taylor's expression, "You don't think we do the same to them? It's worse you know. I've seen demons and their children strung up for the pleasure to hit them. Hell I've seen us to do it to our own kind."

For a moment Lara faltered, "Still, we can't just leave him."

Ardent shook his head, "Lara, if we save him what would we do with him? We can't go back and we can't protect him. As much as I want to free the man, it's unrealistic."

"I- if that's the case I'll do it myself," she frowned and for a moment a stretch of mana coursed through her body strong enough for us to feel it.

"Lara!" Ronalt and I both pressured her to stop.

Softer I spoke, "Lara please, not now. We need a plan at least."

Her eyes flashed at us, skipping back and forth. Those innocent eyes that held the world capable and pure. They passed ours tainted by the realities we had seen.

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