Chapter 10: My Nightmare (Part 4)

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"You're leaving!?" Marley clung to me desperately.

"Just for a while," I replied stiffly. Out of everyone I interacted with Marley the least the past few days. She and Lara were pretty close but I felt our relationship was quite one way.

"But if you're gone who's going to cook?" and there it was. The reason I turned to making my own potions instead of relying on her healing. "If you're going I'm coming too."

"No you're not," Ronalt pulled her off me. "There are many people who are injured and still need your assistance."

"Hmm that's right," she smiled and a shudder went down my spine. Creepy.

"Rain how long do you think you'll be gone for?"

"A week at most. Axel is a two day carriage ride from here. Once I've checked they're okay and know the situation I'll head right back." I looked at Ronalt sincerely, "Really thank you for letting me go. I know it hasn't been long and-,"

"It's no problem," he smiled softly. "Home is important and we'll be busy here for the time being. Although it has only been a fortnight after all that has happened you deserve a break." I knew to them it had only been two weeks but to me it had been much longer. It was strange having this skewed perception of time.

"And it's fine for me to go too?" Lara asked.

"Taylor has already insisted she will go. Without you she'll have free reign to do what she likes," Ronalt turned his eyes to Taylor how simply shrugged. "Besides... it would be safer for you to leave for now."

"I- I understand," Lara nodded. During the siege Lara had been a key player in the defence. She was already quite eye catching and combined with her ability she had attracted a lot of attention from both the townsfolk and soldiers. She as the Hero was meant to be a secret, at least for now.

"Thank you as well for letting me take the carriage," I gestured beside us where Pina was waiting patiently to set off. The repair work had been finished and it looked as good as new, fully stocked for the journey.

Ronalt shook his head, "With the four of you going it would be a shame not to use it. Now you should be off there is still time before the sun sets."

"Then we'll leave now. Take care," I waved at them. Ardent, Marley and Ronalt would be staying in Greytree to organise the aftermath while Earnest, Taylor, and Lara would accompany me to Axel. Taylor had insisted to go with me because she'd be bored otherwise and Earnest... well he didn't want to leave his 'apprentice' alone.

I sat in the driver's seat as the other's boarded the carriage. Pina chirped excited to finally leave the town. This past week I had been a bit neglectful of her and when we came to see her today she had pushed me to the ground. With a last goodbye we headed out of the south entrance towards Axel. The journey itself should be fine. The road was safe and in the plains there wasn't much threat. I had made the journey several times before and there were plenty of places to camp to avoid the denizens of night. With my current company I doubted there would be much trouble they couldn't handle.

After a few minutes Greytree's towering walls were looking a lot smaller. I couldn't help but look back and take in the sight. The last time I had travelled this road was with Ardent and Earnest, the town had been in flames. With how it was now I really had to commend myself, we had somehow avoided the worst case scenario and better still I had lived through it.

There was shuffle behind me and Lara stepped off from the roof to sit beside me. I shifted to the right to make room for her.

"Hi," I said to her simply.

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