Chapter 21: Their Capital. (Part 1)

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Chapter 21: Their Capital.

The last of the masked demons were killed or captured and the Temple was cleared of their bodies. From the fifty workers and priests, only thirty remained alive. While twenty had died, to me it was surprising that was all. It happened not long before I woke up. I had been in a trance like sleep for over a day and the others decided to head to town guided by a few priests running errands. Luckily for me Taylor chose to stay. The demons that attacked the Temple were called the Lord's fanatics. A crazed group that held the demon supremacy teachings of the Demon Lord to a zealous degree going so far as fighting against the Goddess. The Temple had been their target long before Daryl ever came.

It began quietly and quickly as the fanatics created a barrier around the Temple, blocking out sound and calls for help. Then they charged in droves, murdering everyone in sight. The Temple workers however had their own set of skills especially in healing magic and managed to hide themselves, run or play dead. Taylor guarded the sanctuary doors as the fanatics tried to me. As she slew the last one, she was stabbed by a lucky blow and fell. I woke up not long after and the rest I already knew.

It was now the morning of the next day. With all that happened and how tired I was, I still hadn't spoken much about what happened. Lady Tillia stood in front of us, behind her was Daryl. They had somehow lived, managing to escape as the light from my magic distracted the demons. Daryl's legs had been cured by Marley while I was sleeping, had they not been he would never have stood a fighting chance. A fact Marley took a bit too much pride in.

"Thank you once more for saving our Temple," Lady Tillia bowed deeply. "If it weren't for you, a fate worse than death could have waited for us."

"We're glad to be of service," Ronalt replied with his usual seriousness. "However, I am concerned. With this attack, will you really stay here? Your lives are still in danger. More of the Lord's fanatics will surely come."

She smiled, "If we leave it would be the same as abandoning not only our faith but the people who believe and trust in us. Of course we'll hire an appropriate guard and be more vigilant."

Lara scowled, something rare for her, "These people... are they really the Demon Lord's servants? He's worse than I thought."

"His teachings are different to ours and he shares no love for humans but he is not one to attack the Goddess. There are always some who take things too far."

"But what about Daryl?" Lara looked behind her to where the man visibly grieved.

"This- if I hadn't come here...," he shook his head distraught.

"Daryl I have told you and will tell you once again, this is not your fault to blame," Lady Tillia faced him firmly.

"So you say, but I still do not belong here," he walked past her and towards us. "It's time I left."

"Do you not like it here?" Lady Tillia asked upset.

"Of course I do. It's been the most peaceful my life has ever felt but if me being here means being a danger to you, I can't do that."

Her expression became strained, "I- I do not want to part with you."

"Neither do I want to part with you," he smiled with a crushing sadness.

Ronalt coughed interjecting himself into the tender moment, "Daryl if I may be of assistance. Many passed yesterday, what is one more." He reached for the horn on his and with a tight twist and a flash of light removed it. "Take it and live here as a new man."

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