chapter 10

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Philip ran and got lost. he doesn't know what had gotten into him. He doesn't know why he ran away... And somehow he feels more anxious than earlier. Why did he run when he full well knee that Mexico could protect him?

Philip's gut is telling him to hide until they find him. This forest must be really big... "How big is this forest?!!" Philip asks. It's very fascinating.m to think that it's very large. He had never seen a tall trees such as these. He hasn't really had the time to admire his surroundings. There's flowers that he had never seen before.

These flowers are extremely beautiful... It would be lovely to plant and show to the children. The flowers look as if they are flowing. They are quite big, a bit larger than the normal flowers that Phil always sees. But these aren't as big as sunflowers. Just a bit bigger than a rose. He followed the flowers. There's a beautiful pinkish purpelish flower. There's a beautiful white flowers that has some gray parts that adds to the beauty of it. There's also a orange one that has reddish parts and a blue one that has cyan and tealish colors. Phil had never seen nor heard if these flowers before. They are very pleasing to the eye.

As Phil follows the scattered, planted flowers on the ground, Philip gets led to a very beautiful flower Forrest. The grass is almost covered by all the beautiful flowers. This very calming to be here. The flowers are very beautiful and their scents are very calming for Philip. Philip picked a few flowers then smelled them. Their smell is very comforting. They smell great, unlike the other flowers that Phil had smelled. Philip smells something off... 'fear?' Phil says in his mind so that he won't be heard.

He smells fear.... And blood? Phil panics. He has a low tolerance for blood but he has medical knowledge since the nations made him learn medicine in Medical school. Philip gulped then he used his make to smell where the blood was coming from. He closed his eyes to focus. As he gets closer... He opened his eyes to notice that some of the flowers had blood on them. Philip is getting quite scared as well. Was someone murdered? Should he leave? Philip gulped hard. He can't just leave an injured person all alone without help! Philip finally finds the source of the smell after a few minutes of walking. Philip sees yellow wings? Like a a beautiful golden color. Phil is very stunned. The wings are extremely beautiful.... He stares in awe.

He hears a pained groan which snaps him our of his gazing. It seems to be an Injured bat.... This person might not be a fruit bat... Philip slowly approached the person. It's not a normal sized bat.... It's a person... Philip goes infront of the person, slowly and gently. He meets the person's golden eyes. The person snarls at him. But they aren't attacking because they are wounded. "I... I won't hurt y-you" Philip tells the man. The man doesn't trust him one bit. "I'm just a Rabbit" Phil tells him. This quite puts the man's mind at ease. The man glares at him, as if he's saying that if Phil goes one step closer, he will alive Phil's head off.

Philip ripped some parts of his clothing. "I just want to help..." Philip tells the man as he holds a piece of ripped clothing as he dissed his hands in the air to show that he's harmless. The man doesn't move but it wants to attack him. "Please don't attack me... I mean no harm..." Philip tells the man. The man has beautiful pair of golden wings. The man's cyan skin is covered in his own blood.

"This might sting a little" Philip says. The man is extremely taller then him but the man is sitting, his hand is supporting him from completely laying his back down into he grass. Philip takes out a small pouch. The man raises a brow at him, confused at what he is holding. Philip takes out a special looking kneedle and a special thread. The man had never seen these tools before. "что это" (what is that) "I don't speak Russian.... Nyet speak Russian" Philip says to the man. All the Russian words that Phil knows is no and yes. The man somehow understood that he meant to say that he doesn't speak Russian. The man wants to rip his head off. "I will stitch your wound" Phil says.

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora