Chapter 18, Mexico's nightmare

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Mexico gasps awake in the middle of the night. 'What the hell was that?!' Mexico asks in his mind. He's got goosebumps from the nightmare he just had. He remembers it all so clearly. Because of how creepy that dream was, he darted out of his room to wake up Germany and the others.

None of them were happy getting woken up in the middle of the night. Mexico gathered them all in the kitchen.

'So what the **** did you wake us all up for?!' Zeal doesn't usually show his aggression but he won't tolerate being forcefully woken up because of such a stupid reason.

'You are not a kid anymore. grow up, dude! You shouldn't be waking everybody up all  because you had a stupid nightmare!' Germany says.

'I swear it's-'

'Mexico, hurry up! We all want to sleep!'

'Then how can I speak if you cut me off?!'

'Okay, okay, everyone shut the hell up! please! Let this motherf***** talk!'

'I had a nightmare where Phil was.... Was....'

'Mexico, come on... Hurry up! We don't have all day, dude!'

'I.... I can't remember' Mexico says in his mind. 'It felt so real....' he continue to speak in his mind, trying to remember his nightmare. If he doesn't remember, then waking everyone up will be useless and they would punch him in the face. He's feeling immense pressure as everyone second passes that he cannot remember, As if the darkness is consuming him... The feeling of the darkness consumung him all disappeared when he remembered Phil's smile.

'Phil was in my arms.... Pale... his skin seemed so pale... His lips were turning kind of blue... He was just laying motionless in my arms.... His eyes were open... It's like he had no blood.... As if he was drained of all his blood-'

'Okay, so you're basically telling us that because of your paranoia, you actually had a nightmare about Philip dying? Dude... I think you're the creepy one, not your nightmare...'

'Are you don't now, Mexico?'

'If that's all there is to it, then just zip your mouth and go back to sleep. It's the middle of the night'

Everyone left to go to bed and go back to sleep. They didn't really react like it was a big deal since it was just a nightmare. Germany told him that he shouldn't worry about anything because nightmares don't come true.

Mexico sighs deeply in his room. The bed is very comfortable but he's still feeling quite tensed because of the nightmare he had. 'They acted as if it was nothing..... How would they like it if they were the one who had that nightmare?!' Mexico is quite pissed off because of their reactions. But then again, what was he expecting them to do? Panic?

'I'm so f****** stupid...'

Mexico says before forcefully shutting his eyes even though he's not really sleepy anymore. Phil thought him a trick to fall asleep faster. Phil told him to close his eyes and don't open them, then he should imagine everything that he likes, everything that makes him calm. Phil told him to try his best not to think of any problems and or anything that could stress him our. He did just that, and he feel asleep about twenty minutes later.

Very far away from them, Malaysia and Indonesia have finally found each other but still not luck in finding Philip.

'Damn, where is Philip? Oi, Indo, have you seen Philip?! I've been running around trying to find him but I don't have any luck.... What about you?'

'Me neither.... Let's just hope that he's okay... And that, America hasn't found him before us'

'If we don't find him then it's all your fault. Everyone's going to blame you, you know. There's no way our, Indo. You will be blamed wether you like it or not'

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