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Phil is panicking as hecc now. He is in the water with a shark and an alligator that could bite him and kill him like the dead fishes that were thrown to him to scare him and make him panic
The two are going closer and Phil cannot escape.the shark lunged at Phil and bit him and made him bleed but the wound is very shallow Because he ran out of time to bite Phil's hand off because Sharp Bamboos got thrown by I n the water and very close to the three. And so the Two retreated and also the fishes. Before they could move and attack Phil. Phil already swam as fast as he can to escape he bolted out of the scene and had no choice but to go to the Bamboo forest.


This is interesting. He's more naive than I thought. Tsk tsk tsk just when I thought he had a bit of brains Because he knows how to swim. Sigh but non the less he's very very naive. I smile in the Thought. He's got a very good Body and Face. He's definitely Someone that will be a good toy. He won't last long even a week I doubt it that he'll remain a pure boy until he escapes from this forest. Or will he?
I quickly hide my claws and wipe off the blood. Those pesky sea creatures almost got to him first welp.... Time for my mask.


*Pant* *pant* oml I NEVER EVER ran like that in my entire life.... My pulse is so fast I feel like my heart is going to fall. I have to get out of here soon.... I'm concerned for Indo, he might be blaming himself or someone else is blaming him.
Will I even get out of here alive?. I sighed Feeling Depressed then I flinched when I heard a whimper or a dog? What was that?. I'm kinda scared and freeked out right now.... Help.... I was gonna run but then I saw a cute Lil panda. I thought it was cute. Then more pandas started to come. I pet one of the pandas and they seem to like me. "hey wait for me!" A man's voice says and I see a taller male and he has red skin and stars on his face
He seems tired from running.

He then looks at me supprised. He looks like he's a panda but he seems Fine and trustworthy. But their words rang in my head that I can't trust the panda countryhumananimal that lives in the bamboo forest. I then shrug it off. Are they lying to me?. But they all seemed hostile I can't trust anyone here..... "Oh hello I am China what brought you here?" He says. China isn't that the name? I can't completely remember.... "Would you like to come for tea?" He asks me. I need to be cautious but I don't want to get killed. "Sure" I say not sweating and not acting like I'm scared. He seems nice but I need to be on guard.

He shows me around. And I see a beautiful Environment. His culture seems very beautiful. I can't stop staring in awe. There's so many Pandas. When we got there he served me tea and he's preparing more tea. I look around his house and it's very beautiful. I thank him when he gave me tea and he turned around to prepare more tea. "Do you like tea?" I say and he says "yes I do". I know it's not my business but I can't help but want to ask... "Hey uhh China right? My name is Phil I just wanted to ask... Are you all alone here?" His eyes open up and he seems serious. "Phil how much do you know about the rumors about this  forest" he says serious. "Not much....' I say. "They say we are here because we got exiled, yes I'm all alone, I got sent here" he says.

I pretend to drink the tea and say "wow it's very delicious!" I say and he thanks me for the compliment. There's something wrong.... My gut tells me to spill the tea.... I sense that a panda is going behind and so when the panda suddenly touches me i pretend to flinch and I 'accidentally' knock the cup over I didn't break it but the tea got spilled. "Oh no I'm so sorry" I say sincerely. I'm kinda used to acting..... "It's fine" he says. He then acts a bit different and his aura changed.  I don't smell blood from him. My nose is very good and I got Relived when I didn't smell ant blood from him. Then he offers me another cup and I politely Decline. He seems angry now. "Drink it please" he says but not in a pleading tone more like a threatening one.... I then stand up and try to leave but he grips my hand and now he looks very very angry.

My senses are in panic mode and four of instincts and fear I kick him in his part and he drops to the floor and is in pain. "YOU NAIVE B-" a man then comes in and lunges at him. China seems scared and angry. Then I look at the man closely and recognize.... It's Mexico. He's a leopard I remember that he said once that Leopards and pandas are enemies. Mexico punches China and they start to fight and a final punch China falls on the floor again "What now ching chong?" Mexico says and China sweats. "FINE TAKE HIM ILL JUST TAKE HIM BACK" China screams and Mexico looks at me with a nice smile. Mexico carries me and takes me far front eh bamboo forest. We sit by a big tree which looks like everywhere.

"How are you Mexico?' I say. "I'm fine, I'm sorry for my idiotic brother's actions erlier" he says. And I sigh. "It's fine Mex it wasn't your fault" I say. We both look at the moon. "Y know phil....." He says looking at the stars. I close my eyes and rest my head into he tree and said yeah?
Mexico looks at me with a smile and he seems quite sad. "I always wondered why you chose him over me, but ofcourse I respect you unlike him and I am happy as long as you are happy" he says. And I look at him stunned. "What?" I say. What else can I say. "Yes I am Confessing Phil, since we were children I liked you but you liked my brother and I respect your decision, I won't force you to be with me and I'm ok with that!" He says with a pained smile. And he goes closer and takes my hands. "But I will wait for you" he says and kisses my hands. "I will never force you and since you're free I will never stop until you fall in love with me or someone else.... I will protect you Phil that's a promise and remember you won't be alone if you are with me" he says and I blush. I can't believe.... I feel so bad. I remember now.. everyone I cry he would always calm me down...  I never realized. "I'm sorry Mexico for never realising...." I say."it's ok" he says.

I sighed and I know he will remember this. "Mexico I appreciate all the things you have done for me but I don't know if I would fall for you" I say and I stand up and go to him. "It's o-" I then hug him. He seems stunned by this. shet this is the most I can do. I then kiss him in the lips and go backwards. He stands there blushing and he seems satisfied. "Mex i"-" he cuts me off. "I KNOW ITS JUST YOUR WAY OF SAYING THANKS PHIL AND THANK YOU!!! I KNOW WE MIGHT NEVER HAVE A CHANCE BUT I WILK STILL BE BY TOUR SIDE UNTIL YOU GET YOU FINAL DECISION" he says a bit Shouting and having a nose bleed and as well eyes wide open. Atleast he understands. I'm also Blushing..... I can't believe I just did that....

At a far in the shadows. Eyes watch them and with a dead pan face that person leaves but did have the emotion of jealousy

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz