Chapter 16 I think.... (Kzk x Phil)

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So sorry for the hiatus.... I don't know why, but I couldn't make myself write.... I really wanted to write but I couldn't make myself to.... I'm really sorry for the hiatus... Update daily from now on....

'Phil, you're to remain here until we all get back. You're not allowed to leave this place, okay? It's for your own good, Phil'

Phil sighs as he remembers what Germany had told him.

It's been about 2 days since Philip has been left all alone here. In a cave like house that has been sealed off very carefully, it gets quite uncomfortable and boring. They made sure to not let any light in. Philip doesn't fancy the darkness, he can't see anything in the darkness.

Philip sighs once more, as he watches the flame from inside the lantern. 'It's so boring....' Philip mutters. Phil misses his home.... There are a lot of children that keep him company, so he's never bored. Everyday, children invite him to play. Phil looks at the small hole above him. It's the only place where sunlight comes through. After being curled up in a ball for about 4 hours, he decides to get up and take a bath. Canada told him to never miss a day without bathing. He seemed quite serious about what he said, he wasn't in usual playful manner so Philip took it seriously.

After bathing, Philip dried himself with a towel. He is very gentle to his ears and tail. Since no one is there to see him, he just put on some shorts and a t-shirt that's too big for him. The shirt belonged to either Canada or Mexico, or so he thought. The shirt actually belongs to China. Philip went back to his usual spot, to sit right infront of the only source of sunlight.

Philip silently hook sits on the floor, slowly drifting to sleep.

Philip hears a weird whooshing noise, something he didn't familiar with. He gets quite frightened when he smelled blood.... It's already nighttime, and he can see that something or someone is blocking the hole in such a fast speed.

Philip is starting to get even more frightened. He gulps in fear, knowing that no one will same him. Suddenly, the hole has been completely covered. No more light is shining from the hole. It seems that the person(?) has finished toying with Philip.

Philip can smell something familiar, and he's not liking it. Philip gulps hard, his hand trembling as he grabs the lantern. He's afraid but he has to see what is blocking the hole. He knows that he's too short to reach the hole, it must be 13 feet above him. He quickly retrieved a flash light to check what's blocking it. He gulped hard before taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes, and with trembling hands, he shined the light to the hole.

He stands there, frozen for a moment. His heart starts to beat irrapidly, as his eyes are opened wider than ever. He tries his best not the scream. It felt like hours, but it must have only been a few seconds. There's an eye.... Looking straight at him. The thing that's blocking the hole is an eye..... The eye blinked, making him clasps his hands to his mouth and drop the flashlight.

'God, help me....' he says I'm his mind. His heart is racing, feeling only fear and panic. He doesn't know what is looking straight at him.

He refused to look up once more. He's scared. He feels like a prey in danger. 'I don't want to die...' 'I don't want to get eaten...' he can't seem to find the strength to comfort himself....

He slowly steps backwards, still feeling the gaze of whatever is staring at him.

He then hears the 'thing' let out a deafening screech. His breath is now hitching, fearing for his life. He hears loud bangs and thumps, the thing is trying to get to him. The thing is trying to create a bigger hole to get to him.

He's trying his best to speak but nothing comes out. 'Why me?!' 'I-I'm just a rabbit.. I'm.... I'm not tasty.... Why does this always happen to me?!' he thinks to himself.

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