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A/N: Hey look! I actually updated on time this week... well sort of. Whatever, enjoy your next chapter! 


When Harry awoke in the morning, he was surprised to see an unfamiliar owl sitting next to his bed. He sat up, and took the letter from the owl's beak, who promptly took off and flew away. He grabbed his glasses off of the bedside table and slid them on. He opened up the envelope, reading it's contents.

"Dear Harry," it read.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, and I finally understand why. But could you please, for my sake, humor me and meet me in The Room of Requirement after class today? I really need to talk to you. Just tell the room that you need the space where Draco Malfoy goes to relax, and it should let you in. And if you don't want to talk to me, I understand, but please stop by and grab something? It fell out of your robe pocket and I now know how much it means to you. But please consider my offer. I mean you no harm, you have my word for it. Just come alone, if you do decide to come.


Draco Malfoy."

Harry just stared at the letter for a while. Draco wanted to see him? Why? What could he possibly want? And what did he lose from his robes yesterday? He thought for a while, before the thought suddenly hit him. He jumped up and checked his pockets. Gone. He had lost the car. And Draco had it? Well, even if Draco was going to inevitably end up being mean, he needed to get that back.

Harry made his way down to breakfast that morning. He was definitely stressing over going to meet Draco. Despite multiple questions from everyone, he didn't tell anyone what he'd gotten in the letter. Draco had told him to come alone, and even though the little voice in his head told him it was a bad idea, he was going to come alone. And telling anyone that, would make it harder, because they would both try to convince him not to go, and then tag along, even if he tells them not to. So he decided it would be easier not to tell them at all.

He was fidgeting throughout all his classes that day, finding it difficult to stay still and pay attention. This cost him a number of house points, a concerned look from McGonagall, and even one from Snape, which threw him off guard.

He had just gotten another question wrong in potions, looking down sheepishly at his desk.

"Mr. Potter, that'll be five house points, and see me after class." Snape said, leering at him. But behind the leer, there was a worried glint in his eyes.

Harry mentally cursed. He didn't have potions with the Slytherin's today, meaning Draco wouldn't know why he didn't show up. He really hoped whatever Snape wanted, it would be quick. "Yes Professor." He mumbled.

The rest of the class dragged on. When the class finally ended and all the other students filtered out, Harry walked up to Snape's desk. "What did you need, Professor?" He asked.

Snape looked up at Harry. "Potter, are you alright? You're not usually this incompetent."

Harry stared back, shocked. "I- what?"

Snape sighed. "You haven't answered a single question correctly this entire class. And according to Professor McGonagall, you didn't answer anything right or pay attention in her class either. She came to me expressing her concern and simply asked me to keep an eye on you this class. So excuse my momentary lapse in character, but are you okay?"

Harry looked at Snape. Obviously he wasn't going to tell him the truth, that would be idiotic. He wouldn't even tell him close to the truth.

"I guess I'm just stressed." He said. It wasn't exactly a lie.

Snape stared at him for a couple seconds. "This stress wouldn't have anything to do with the way a certain Draco Malfoy has been treating you since he's been re-aged, would it?" Snape said, seemingly unbothered as he went through papers.

Harry spluttered for a second. He didn't answer, although he felt his face heat up.

"I see." Snape said. "Potter listen to me. I know Draco, better than any of the other students, this is mostly due to Lucius, but that's not really important. Talk to him Potter. If you get through to him, he might surprise you." Snape spoke with little to no emotion, just going through students' homework.

Harry spluttered again. "He uh, he actually sent me an owl asking me if I could talk to him after classes today... am I free to go?"

Snape nodded. "Go."

Harry nodded. "Thank you Professor." He mumbled, and he turned around and bolted for the door.

Snape shook his head. "Idiots. They've been dancing around each other for years, at first it was amusing, it's simply pathetic now." He muttered to himself. "Even if this whole mess wasn't what I intended when I paired those two together on that potion, I think it might be coming to good results."

Harry ran to The Room of Requirement, praying that he wasn't too late. He stared at the wall for a good minute before remembering what Draco had written in that letter.

"I need the room where Draco Malfoy comes to relax." He said. Seconds later, a door appeared. He hesitated for a second before opening the door and walking in.

"Potter. I was beginning to think you weren't going to come." Draco said, although the usual snark was gone from his voice.

"Yeah, Snape had me stay after class." He said. "Now what was it you wanted?"

Draco nodded, then pulled the toy car out of his robes. "Well first... you dropped this." He held it out for Harry to take.

Harry took a couple steps forward and sheepishly snatched the car out of Draco's hands, slipping it back into his pocket.

Draco smiled a little. "And second... I remember now." he said quietly.

Harry's eyes widened. This wasn't going to end well. He nodded sharply. "Well I think that's all, I got what I came for, goodbye Malfoy." Harry turnt on his heel and started to walk out of the room.

Draco felt a sharp sting in his chest when Harry turned away. "W-wait-" he mumbled, but it was too quiet to be heard. Tears threatening to spill, and Harry opening the door, about to walk out, he decided it was now or never. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. "I'm in love with you! Please don't leave!" He yelled.

Draco didn't open his eyes. All he heard was the sounds of footsteps skidding to a stop, and then a door slamming shut. 

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant