Author's Note

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Hello, it's me.

The one who took your heart out of your chest, stepped on it, threw it in the dirt, picked it back up again, pretended to put it back together, then stepped on it again.

Ready to have your heart ruined once again?

I sure am.

This is a Work in Progress, and is listed as Coming Soon.

No, I will not be bringing her back again, I promise. However, having seen the first episode of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" and having my heart ripped to shreds watching Bucky sleep on the floor, having nightmares, going to therapy, trying to make amends... I couldn't resist. Ever since the announcement of TFATWS I have debated how I might be able to write one more spin off.

So, assuming there is still some sort of audience for this (and if not, I'm just writing it for me), I will be doing some sort of Journal Entry writing, alongside weaving in the story of TFATWS, Sam and Bucky interacting, etc...

I love each and everyone one of you who have given these stories a look. 


Cover by, as always, AFleetingDream_91

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