Chapter 11

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~2 weeks later~ Sykkuno POV

So I surprisingly still haven't seen Panda or really talked to her, it's weird because I'm so used to her popping up all the time. Anywho I get a text message from Corpse saying that he'll be in the area and asking if I would like to hang out today with him. So I text back sure and get ready. About an hour later I hear a knock at the door and it's him...I think.


"Waddup baby"

"*blushes* come in *moves out the way* have a seat, make yourself at home. I can't believe I'm meeting you"

"*comes in and sits on the couch taking his hood off and his mask* it's an honor to meet my soulmate. Come here"

"*walks over* yeah"

"*grabs hoodie in one hand recording in the other and hands it to you recording you reaction*"

"*takes it and covers face embarrassed* is this how your fans feel when you do anything?"

"*stops recording and laughs* maybe, I want to try and take you to breakfast so we at least hang out a little bit"

"Corpse you don't have to do that, that's a lot of pressure on you. How about we just eat here? We can order something, that would be more than enough. You're really nice looking, I don't think you should hide but I completely support you doing so for your own comfort"

"*smiles* now look at who is charming? This must be how your fangirls feel"

So we order food and he pays for it and we just talk and catch up, it felt like we were old friends. We talk about his life a little bit and we talk about mine a bit more so he doesn't feel uncomfortable. We talk about video games, music, things we would like to do one day, it was pretty nice. The food arrives and I get it and we spread everything out and start eating. That's when I bring up the topic of women.

"Hey, can you teach me how to make my voice sound deeper? Women seem to like that so I want to see if I can do it"

"You have tons of women who love your voice the way it is as well as you as a person, you just have to start looking through their profiles"

"Do you have anyone you're interested in?"

"Do I?"

"Secretive huh? Alright, that's fair, but I thought we were closer than that"

"Do you have anyone you're interested in?"

"Not at the will you tell me?"


"Woah, I don't even know your type. Did you find a female version of me?"

"Hmmm...not exactly, more like someone I have a lot in common with. We both help each other when we're feeling low and are both supportive of each other. It's nice to have someone who understands you"

" you have a girlfriend?"

"Let's just say I'm talking to someone but I don't know how they feel about people knowing. Especially since they know how I am so they can't post about me, they probably haven't told anyone about us so please don't tell anyone"

"Your secret is safe with me, I'm really happy for you man. I hope everything works out and you two end up together and for a long time"

"Thanks, so have things got better between you and Panda? I forgot to ask you to check up on things"

"I haven't seen or talked to her since the last time we talked about her, it's weird. She normally is always over at my house either playing games or watching me play. Then she'll ask to cuddle me at least twice a week just so she can fall asleep and feel something"

"Really, I didn't know that but why did she cuddle you instead of the other way around or take turns?"

"She said if I was to hold her it might make her feel like I care and she didn't want there to be any confusion since she knows I don't like her romantically"

"Makes sense I suppose, maybe she's just been busy"

"Maybe, I'll see if she can come over later today. We all should play among us soon"

"Definitely, it was fun last time"

So we finish our food, play a few video games, and he heads on home right as the sun starts to set. I thank him again for stopping by and I get comfortable changing into some shorts and a t-shirt. I text Panda to see if she's free to come over and hang out but she says she's busy. I ask her if she's free to play Among us next week and she says she is just to remind her. Well, I'm glad that we are still cool and she's not ghosting me but why do I feel like in a way she still is? I kind of miss her always clinging to me...

Panda POV

Sykkuno text me about hanging out but I told him I was busy, I wasn't but now that I'm with Corpse it feels weird being around anyone else but him. I don't dislike him or anything, I just don't feel the need to go over his house as much. Corpse told me that he was going to meet and hang out with him today, I hope everything went well. I'll call him later I suppose, I really like Corpse but I don't want to come on too strong so he kind of has to take the lead on most things. I'm just so happy to be his and him mine.

A/N: Happy holidays!!! Thanks for reading my story so far! I truly appreciate each and every one of you. Love you all XOXO

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