Chapter 1

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Panda POV

Hello! I'm Panda and I'm a pretty well-known gamer. I love all types of games so I think that's why so many people subscribe to me on youtube. Anywho a lot of my fans have suggested games for me to play that involve other players but I have never played that way. It's not that I don't want to but playing with others causes me a bit of anxiety so I have always just avoided it. There's this new game...well it isn't new but for some reason, it is just now getting popular. It's called among us and I have seen a few gameplays of it, my best friend Sykkuno is really good at it. I hang out at his house a lot while he plays and listen to how he talks his way out of being voted off. He has good and bad days *laughs* but everyone seems to love him so people come back to see him play every night. So I'm spending the weekend at Sykkuno's house and I am sitting on his bed quietly on my phone listening to him play among us and talking to his subscribers when I assume they are asking questions about relationships (idk if Sykkuno is in a relationship so let's just say he is single in this story).

Sykkuno POV

So I have a best friend known as Panda and she is great, I've been trying to get her into gaming with other players but no luck so far. I see how interested she seems to be in among us so I think this is the game I can convince her to play with others, especially if I get some of my other friends. She knows the type of person I am so she will consider playing with my friends. I also want her to make new friends or possibly more because I feel like I am using her. Panda confessed to me a few years ago and I rejected her because although she was everything I ever talked about wanting in a partner, I just didn't feel anything for her. I wasn't attracted to her and I would rather reject her than use her and break her heart because she is truly a good person. After I rejected her I saw her heartbreak when I looked in her eyes for a split second before she mentioned a request. She asked for me to allow this one-sided love to continue, just for her to feel something. She promised to never push too hard or make me feel uncomfortable as long as I treated her like I did before she confessed. I agreed and she make sure to do nothing too out of the ordinary but every time she gets me something, be there when I'm down and no one else is there, help me out with women, etc I just feel horrible because she doesn't deserve this and I don't deserve all this from her. Once she gets some friends she will naturally distance herself a little bit from me and I won't feel as bad. I feel like she would like someone like Corpse or CaRtOoNz but I also don't know them that well so if I can get her to at least play with them and some of my other friends then I at least helped in some way. So I finish up playing among us and I spin my chair towards her direction on my bed. I pull her to the bottom of my bed and tickle her to catch her attention.

"*laughs* stooooooop"

"There you are"

"You never tickle me so what's the occasion?"

"You seem interested in among us, so do you want to play with me and my friends one day"


"Please, I think you would really like it"

"I don't know"

"I would only have you play with the best of my friends so you can feel comfortable. I know you have anxiety about it but I promise you won't regret it. Pleaseeeeee *acts cutely*"

"That's not fair, you know I can't handle you acting cutely!"

"So you'll give it a try"

"I will try under two conditions"


"If at any point it becomes too much I'm leaving immediately"

"Fair, and the second one?"

"I wanna sleep in here and cuddle. I have cartoon pajamas so it is very pg 13 and I'll be the big spoon so you don't have to feel bad or conflicted about our positions *smiles*"

"Hmmm not like we haven't done it before, it was just before everything. I can be the big spoon"

"No thanks, I need to always feel and know where I stand in your eyes and for you to hold me could work against my thoughts"

"*hugs her* you know I love you Panda right? I just can't force myself to have feelings for you"

"I would never ask you to *breaks away from the hug* let's get ready for bed. Luckily you don't have work so we can sleep late. It's 3 am and I'm tired"

"Fine, go change and by the time you come back I should be ready"

So she leaves and I text Toast about hanging out tomorrow just to catch up but also to pick his brain a little. He agrees and I change before Panda comes back.

"*comes out of the bathroom and gets under the covers* I am in love with your bedsheets, I have to get some like these"

"I'll be going out to see a friend tomorrow for a little bit, want anything brought back? *gets under the covers*"

"A brown sugar boba tea, the biggest size they have"

"You got it *puts phone on the charger* good night Panda"

"Good night Sykkuno *hugs him from behind*"

A/N: Starter chapters always start off slow for me so bear with me. Sykkuno is adorable and I just want to protect him but Corpse has stolen my heart a little bit so I have to leave him lol. Until next time, XOXO

Miss you (Corpse Husband)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang