Chapter 2

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Sykkuno POV

I wake up to my head in Panda's chest and my arms wrapped around her waist as she strokes my hair in her sleep. I slip out of her hands and go to get showered and get dressed. I then leave a note letting her know I left and her breakfast is in the microwave and head to meet toast.

~At lunch~

"So how's everything been lately?"

"Good, same tamed life of a gamer. What about you Toast?"

"Great, I have a video coming up where I do speed dating with 11 women so that should be interesting. Now let's be honest, you called me to breakfast for something. Otherwise, it would have been a group outing"

"Okay, so you're one of my closest and smartest friends so I had a pretty simple question"

"Go for it"

"You remember Panda right, well I finally convinced her to try gaming with others and she agreed to play among us with me and my friends. You know how she is so who would be good players to have her play with? Of course us two but who else"

"Hmm, we should try to make it at least almost even with men and women players so Valkyrae, Poki, and Lily for starters. I think Dashie and Masayoshi would be good because they're still pretty new to the game and easy to get along with."

"Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good group. That's eight of us so far then"

"Let's throw in a couple of curve balls, let's try for CaRtOoNz and Corpse. If they can't make it then we'll have poiised and delirious as backups"

"Makes sense, thanks"

"So how is Panda, I know things were interesting between you two after the confession"

"She's perfect, she fights really hard to make sure things are back to normal as possible. I just feel like an asshole for not pushing her away more. She doesn't do things to make me feel uncomfortable but I catch small glimpses of sadness in her eyes here and there and I feel bad"

"If it makes you feel better, she's using you knowing that you'll never feel the same so technically it's her fault"

"Put yourself in my shoes, would you tell her that?"

"Oh I'm awkward with feelings and stuff so I probably would avoid her until she finds someone or I feel she's over me. The way you talk about her she sounds like a sweet girl so I feel that it would be hard to hurt her but if you think what your doing will cause less pain than just cutting her off completely then you are doing a good job. Besides, maybe once she gets into gaming with others she'll find someone to accept her feelings"

"I'm hoping for that"

Panda POV

So I wake up to see that Sykkuno is gone which is expected but he left a note which was nice. I get showered, change into some comfortable clothes and eat my breakfast. I go on to check my different social media and see nothing but only hands and corpse husband trending. I click the trends to see what they are about and it seems to be a hand reveal. Does this person not show their face and body normally? It's a nice and strong-looking hand I suppose. I move on to look at corpse husband posts and realize this is someone who no one knows what they look like...interesting. I followed his Twitter and youtube channel and some screen recordings of his QnAs. So far I have learned that this is a man with really bad anxiety, clinical depression, and a condition called Gerd that sounds like acid reflux that destroys the vocal cords. He said that and genetics is the reason his voice is so deep. He fears a lot and overall just seem to have a ton of screwed-up things that happened in his childhood. I kind of want to get to know him and protect him as much as possible, in normal circumstances I would love his voice but his laughter is so much more beautiful. I guess I will listen to some of his scary story videos.

Sykkuno POV

I get home and I see Panda watching videos on her phone. I hand Panda her boba tea and start to text everyone to see if they are free Friday. So far everyone is free and okay to do it so the last one I have to message is Corpse.

"Hey corpse, are you free to play among us this Friday?"

"Uhhh, I should be. What time?"

"Around 10"

"Sure, I might run a few minutes late but I can play"

"We'll have a new player, I can tell you about her if that will make you feel more comfortable. I know new people can make you feel uncomfortable"

"Yeah, sure"

"She goes by Panda and she's a gamer but she has never played games with other players so she's very anxious. I convinced her to give it a try. She doesn't have friends really which is how she got into gaming. She has anxiety and depression that hit her at random times and most of the time she is excellent at hiding it but I'm telling you just in case she says something weird"

"Sounds like we have a few similarities, it should be fine. How did you meet her?"

"We grew up together, just two shy kids but I went up to her to become her friend and the rest is history"

"Fair enough, I look forward to seeing how she is as a player"

"Thanks, have a good night"

"You too"

A/N: I think the next chapter will be when they play among us. How will Panda do playing? Will it become to much for her? Will the other players like her? Must tune in to find out. Thanks for reading, please continue to read, vote, comment, and add this story to your library if you haven't. Until next time, XOXO

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