The Meaning Of Peace- Raiden

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Elder Gods are the most powerful beings who grace the universe. They govern and monitor the fate of all worlds and are wiser than all of us. However, every now and then, like any other, they need a guiding hand. 


Raiden sat by a table, looking over more than enough tablets, all displaying plans and countermeasures for the next battle between Earthrealm and Outworld. 

Yes, Raiden sighed, yet another war waged between the neighbouring worlds. Raiden ruefully pondered on how many more wars were written by Fate before both realms learned to leave each other alone. It was times like these where the Elder God felt as old as he was. Being a God meant that he could never age and never succumb to the slowing down that old age brought with it. He is forever destined to physically be at peak health and to always be the strongest that he can be. But it is stressful times like these, with plans and the voice of Special Forces clouding his mind, when Raiden feels the most drained, tiresome and, most horrifyingly, old.

He huffed a great breath of air, relieving some pressure from his body. Shaking himself to focus, he looked down and grimaced at the long paragraphs set out for him to read.  He almost winced at the over-compensation S.F put into to make sure everything is in order. He knew; he recognised how imperative it was to have S.F existing and in working order. No one could be more grateful than Raiden towards Special Forces and lets not forget the force of nature that was their general, Sonya Blade. Despite that, he missed the simplicity of the White Lotus. 

Raiden can easily admit that life in the White Lotus was better than anywhere else, including the realm of the Elder Gods. It was like a spa holiday met home and created a luxurious and peaceful society. The God always felt more at ease on Earthrealm and the White Lotus was his little corner of paradise. If only he was there now and not in Special Forces Headquarters.

For the umpteenth time, Raiden shook himself from his daydreams and begrudgingly turned back to the numerous screens. Just before he could focus on the words written especially for him, the door behind him opened. In walked a small and slight figure. Someone Raiden was more than delighted to see. 

Y/n L/n was a trusted and loyal companion of Raiden. Relatively new to the world of Mortal Kombat, she demonstrated a slight naïve yet firm outlook of this life. Raiden admitted that she was refreshing amongst the usual faces who were experienced and de-sensitised to the violence and gore Mortal Kombat brought. Not to dissuade her personality, on the contrary, Y/n had a stronger stomach than most when faced with blood and spilled guts.  

What was refreshing about her was her knowledge. She introduced new ideas and new plans that have benefitted and astounded Special Forces. Raiden could confidently say that she had saved more lives than Lui Kang did when he won the Kompetition for Earthrealm. She always found another way. 

"Y/n." He greeted with some surprise. "I wasn't aware you were here." He stood up respectfully. 

She strolled in, a warm smile brightening up the room. "I saw Lui Kang and Kung Lao and knew you wouldn't be far. Jax pointed me in the right direction." Getting closer, the woman wrapped the Elder God in a hug. It is seldom when Raiden so much as gives a handshake and so the contact and hug was welcomed. Savouring her warmth a little longer, his hands slid from her back and down her arms once they broke apart. Y/n took a respectful step back, severing the contact. Raiden's hands felt empty at the loss. 

The young woman took a long and searching look at the man before her. "It has been a while. How are you, Raiden?" She inquired, taking note of his tired expression and tight stance. Under her soft gaze, Raiden's heart beat just a little quicker, his body tingling where her eyes had strayed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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