Don't Get Caught Kids- Kotal Kahn

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Before we get started I just wanted to say thank you to @invasionofkombat my first comment-er (yay!) It was really sweet what u said. Idk whether to be happy or sorry you cried hehe but thank you anyway. Also, thank you to all the people who voted and read this story it really means a lot to me and it fills be with pride that you guys appreciate my writing. Enjoy this next chapter!

The streets are dirty, the system is corrupt, people are starving and are steadily getting angrier. We are in the middle of a war/ protest with an opposite party and our leader relies on mercenaries to enforce law and order. Ring any bells? Despite the shocking similarities this is not Earthrealm but Outworld and things work a lot differently here. 

It is so easy to land yourself on death row. With our new Kahn fixing what Shao Kahn destroyed, plus the threat of the Tarkatans, Kotal Kahn has cracked down on law, making it stricter with a tighter more polished way of justice and consequence. 

As a result of this, many groups have formed. Underground organisations to illegally deal with illegal substances; pass on secrets that have the power to destroy a reputation and overthrow governments. I am certain that a select few under Kotal Kahn's protection are aware of the Underground. Bribe that person with a heavy price and you'd be sure they spill. 

That is how I came to be here. Kneeling on my knees, chained and guarded by two Oshtek soldiers, in front of Kotal Kahn sitting on his golden throne, seething and full to the brim with curses towards Erron Black and Ermac. Combined with Black's knowledge and Ermac's telepathic abilities I'm sure they tracked us. We gave them a run for their money. You don't infiltrate a secret organisation and expect us to immediately surrender. We went out with guns blazing. 

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" The Kahn's baritone voice filled the room. 

I recall running, sprinting, away from the mercenaries. Weaving through crowds as a screen and parkour-ing on the rooftops of houses. I rue the moment that a slimy tongue shot out and grabbed me by the ankle, sweeping my legs from under my feet and pulling me sharply off the roof and smack onto the dirty ground. I curse the retched Reptile also.

"Next time, I won't get caught." I sassed. 

Glaring at the Oshtek through my eyelashes, I took notice of his gold headset with blue beautiful feathers. He sat proud and with as much humility that one with such power could have. However, that did not distract me from my reason for being out of his favour.  

There was a pregnant silence. Suddenly, a booming and hearty laugh emanated from the figure on the throne. My defiant frown turned into one of confusion. I did not find anything funny about my imminent death. With one swift hand motion, I was pulled up to my feet. I lowly growled at their harsh handling. 

Kotal Kahn's amusement was mildly resisted. His tone reeked of it and with confident swagger he stood from his throne and stepped right in front of me. "What makes you so certain you will live beyond today?" He smirked. 

Feeling his breath on my skin, my e/c eyes pinned to his complete blue. Never had a man stood so near me, we were nearly chest to chest. My personal space felt invaded. I did not know how to feel about it. 

"I'll persuade you with my wit and charm." I drily replied. I wanted to sound disinterested, just so that he would get bored of me and step away. My nerves were vibrating at his close proximity and I was slowly loosing the battle to keep my eyes on his. Kotal Kahn had such confidence and comfort that being so near a woman did not faze him and staring seemed almost like a pastime.

Unexpectedly, he waved the two soldiers away and hesitantly, they complied. Now, I felt slightly threatened. What was he planning that required no one around and no one to interfere? His expression never changed, he was masterful at keeping his intention to himself. That made him all the more dangerous. 

"I do not wish to hear your excuses, nor allow you to manipulate me into adverting me from that which I have already decided." I gulped. "I would rather you not talk." He ordered, mysteriously. 

Slightly panicking, I aimed to ask what he was going to do. Instead, a large squeak of surprise sounded, my e/c eyes wide open in disbelief. 

Kotal Kahn smashed his lips against mine, pushing and prodding his lips and tongue further into a rough and fierce lock. I stood there stunned, unable to move my shackled body and allowed him to ravage my lips as if he were starved. 

He broke away, both of us panting. I was too shocked to speak. The Kahn. Kotal Kahn, Ruler of Outworld kissed me. I did not see that coming. 

"There." He proudly said. "Now, you are silenced." 

Taking that as an order, I complied and said not a word. I watched him with careful eyes, unsure of his next action. 

With careful fingers, he stroked my hair away from my face. "You are skilled, I am aware. You almost evaded capture." He smirked again. "You are now in my debt. I will keep you till that debt is paid. Do you understand?" He commanded with rich authority. I nodded, well aware of what will happen if I talk and quite grateful I get to live another day, even if it is by Kotal Kahn's side. 

"Good. Now, on your knees."

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