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Bucky doesn't listen to Sam or I when we tell him to stay behind, but we stick to the plan of not telling him anything. Which makes the flight to Munich pretty boring. We get changed into our uniforms and when we do Sam puts a little pack on my back, "what is this?"

"It is a set of wings. I can't have a partner that can't keep up."

"Are you sure, Sam?"

"Yeah, of course."

I smile and give Sam a huge hug, "you're amazing. Thank you."

As I pull away from him, there is an alarm beep and Torres comes into the cargo bay we are in, "one minute to drop off, you two." As Torres goes about getting things ready before the drop, Sam goes back to his staring contest with Bucky, something they've been doing for most of this flight.

Sam gets up and grabs his goggles, handing me a pair as well. As we get ready Bucky stands up, "what's our plan?" Sam and I stay quiet, putting our earpieces in, "great. So no plan."

"Bucky, trust me, it's really best for you to stay here," I shake my head, "if you go back into action it could jeopardize your pardon."

Torres opens the side door and shouts out, "thirty seconds!"

"Enjoy your ride, Buck," Sam finally speaks to Bucky.

"No," Bucky shakes his head, "you can't call me that."

"Why not? That's what Steve and Phoebe call you."

"Steve knew me longer, Phoebe knows me better, and Steve had a plan."

I chuckle, "who says we don't have a plan?"

"Fifteen seconds to drop," Torres shouts.

"Really?" Bucky walks after Sam and I as we head to the door, "what is it?"

Sam and I don't answer before we jump out of the plane, once we are in the air I call Sam over the earpiece, "you know he's gonna jump right?"

"Yep," Sam responds.

"He can't use a chute at this height."

"Nope," Sam chuckles. "You gonna hang back to get him?"

"Probably for the best, don't want him breaking Redwing."

"I'll see you in a bit."

I try to land as best as I can, after hearing the grunts and groans of Bucky falling 200 feet without a chute. When I find him he is laying on the forest floor, still groaning, I chuckle, "you know he has all of that on camera, right?" As I walk up, Redwing flies around the two of us.

Redwing flies in close to Bucky, who groans a bit more, "get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it." Sam takes the hint and flies Redwing away from us.

"Did you break anything?"

"Nah, not even sure that's possible."

"You did fall 200 feet out of a plane." Bucky just ignores me as he gets up, stretching as he does, "come on, we gotta head north." Bucky and I head north to an old factory that looks like it's been all but abandoned. We quietly sneak around, looking for Sam, but all we find is Redwing, who flies close to Bucky and when he does Bucky swats at him, "hey, don't hurt him."

"Not you too."

It doesn't take us long to find Sam, when we get there I look around, while Sam is looking over some footage Redwing had captured, "you're doing the staring thing again," Sam comments to Bucky, not even looking up. "They're in here."

"Where's the guy from the robbery?" I look over Sam's arm to the live footage.

"I don't know. But I think they're smuggling weapons."

"Well, I think you could be right," Bucky nods.

"Huh?" I look up to him, wondering if I heard him correctly.

"But there's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it."

Bucky goes to move toward the group, but Sam stops him, "we're not assassins."

"I'll see you two inside or not," with this Bucky takes off in the direction of the group.

"Hey man, I was just messing with you, come back."

I sigh, "let's go get him before he gets himself killed."

"Don't need to," Sam pulls Bucky up on his screen, showing Redwing has eyes on him, "look at you. All stealthy. I can almost see why Phoebe thinks you're so cute. A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther."

"It's actually White Wolf," Bucky and I answer in unison.

"Huh?" Sam shakes his head, "nevermind, let's go."

As we take a different way around, found by Redwing, Bucky begins to brag, "Alright, I'm inside. Therefore, way ahead of you two. It's not great, but very doable."

I chuckle quietly, "uh, yes, actually very doable."

Bucky looks back to me confused, "hello. How are you?"

"Good," I shrug, "what'd we miss?" I smirk a bit.

Bucky sighs, "alright, let's just go."

"No, wait," Sam stops him.

"I got a vibranium arm. I can take them."

"And I can fly. And she can fly and shock people. Who gives a shit? Wait."

I nod, "we need to see where they're going."

"There's two people," Bucky looks down to me, "we can take 'em."

"You only see two?" Sam shakes his head.

"That's what I saw."

"Let's see what Redwing sees."

"All right," Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Oh, look at that. How many people you see now? One, two... Oh, here it comes again," Bucky sighs kind of tired of Sam's shit. "Four five."

"Yeah, five, yeah. So they're strong. Whatever. Alright, let's go."

"No," I shake my head, "wait."

As we watch and wait, we realize there are eight people. As they load up and head out, Sam scans the truck again, "there's an eighth person. I think they have a hostage." Hostage is the only word Bucky needs to hear before he takes off.

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