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We had gotten to the horrific scene, while John was beating a man to death with the shield. But my focus was ten yards away, on Phoebe. Who, after John hit her with the shield, is now about halfway through a very thick concrete fence. Sam and I check to make sure she's okay, but she quickly loses consciousness, "no, no, no, no!" I look out over the crowd, "WE NEED HELP OVER HERE, NOW!"

Luckily, someone had called for help and an ambulance quickly arrives. But given the state she's in they don't let either of us ride with her. John, given his better judgement, had run off almost as soon as we got there. Sam and I run to the hospital, I keep up with the ambulance the whole way there and I don't think Sam is far behind. We wait in the waiting room for what feels like hours before someone comes out to talk to us before taking us back to see her. When we get into the room Phoebe is hooked up to all kinds of machines. I rush over to her, holding her hand as I fight back tears. I hear Sam talking to the doctor, but he is still worried and scared, "is... um, is she alright?"

"She'll be fine," the doctor reassures him, "Nothing is broken, nothing is damaged internally. Externally, she'll have some bumps and bruises but that'll be the worst of it."

"Then why's she hooked up to all this stuff?"

"The IV is so we can administer pain medication as needed and so we can keep her hydrated. The monitor is so we can trace her heart beat and the Electrical Tester is so we know if it's safe for us to help her if she needs it. This all looks a lot worse then it is, she is going to be fine."

I look over to the pile of clothes that are sitting next to the bed. Noticing something metal on top, I pick them up notice they're dog tags, "what're these?"

"All her belongings. We figured she would like to keep them and I'm sure super hero costumes don't come cheap."

I look over the dog tags as I hear the doctor leave and Sam walk up to me, "what are they?"

"They're Steve's tags."

"Did you know she had them?"

"No," I shake my head, "I didn't." I look back down to Phoebe, leaning over her as I brush some of the hair out of her face before I kiss her forehead. "And when she wakes up, I'm gonna give them back."


"Yeah," I take out my tags and put my second one on the ring next to Steve's.

"What are you doing?"

"If she's gonna carry around a piece of him, she's gonna carry around a piece of me," I sit down next to the bed side before taking her hand, finally letting myself cry.

As I place my head to the bed I feel Sam's hand on my shoulder, "hey, it's gonna be alright."

"I know," I nod, "because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it's not."

I cry for a little while before I head out for a little walk. When I get back I sit next to the window, watching the sky, which is one of Phoebe's favorite things to do. She always said she never really watched the sky until she went to Wakanda. While Sam sits at her bed side. We sit there for a couple hours before Sam looks over to me, "you should go get something to eat."

I don't take my eyes off the sky, which is now full of stars, "no, I'm fine right here."

"Buck, you need to keep your strength up... for her."

"So do you."

When I look over to Sam I hear a quiet chuckle, looking over to Phoebe and seeing her wince as she coughs and chuckles, "you two are starting to sound like you care."

"Phoebe!" Sam jumps up and hugs her.

"Ow, ow. Sam."

He lets her go, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

She chuckles a bit more, "it's okay." She looks over to me, since I'm standing in front of the window wondering if this is all a dream, "hey, Soldier"

I let out a sigh of relief as I almost run over to her, hugging her tightly, "oh, my God!"

When Sparks FlyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon