Chapter Two ~ The Cafetiria

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It had been a couple of weeks since I stood up for michael after I did that I had a big scolding off my uncle after that but luckily I was still allowed to go with him.

I was walking around the sanitarium with my uncle and a nurse runs up to him "Dr loomis. It's time for Michael to go to the cafeteria he's not moving as usual he's not even willingly going to go we said we would have to get a guard to move and nothing"

My uncle sighs and rubs a hand over his face "Come Y/N let us go" And with that me and uncle were in michaels room which was really plain all there was was a toilet a bed and a chair in the corner of the room with a window right infront of the chair.

"Come on michael I'll walk with you if you'd like" I say trying to make him move but still nothing so my uncle was clearly impatient and grabs michael and starts dragging him out the door and Michaels face still stayed as a blank emotionless face he didn't even resist it was like he's dead and his body is getting dragged along the halls.

I follow behind as my uncle keeps dragging michael down the halls until we all reach a cafeteria. "Right Y/N go grab michael some food while I take him to his supposedly spot"

I nod and walk over to where's there's plates of food it looks disgusting but I grab a plate and I see Michael being seated in the corner of the room and infront of him is none other than another window does he seriously just look out of windows all day?

Anyway I walk over and place the food onto michaels lap he still didn't move.

I look up at my uncle and he smiles at me "Y/N stay in the cafeteria until it's over then I'll come in and get you there's some guards over there you'll be safe I just gotta do some things okay" I smile "Okay uncle can I stay by here though"

It looks like my uncle is deciding and after another few moments he nods and walks away. I walk to where there's another chair and grab it and place it next to Michaels and sit in it.


I slightly turned to my right and saw Y/N sitting next to me I gotta admit she was cute but one thing I saw in her eyes was fear maybe of the other inmates or maybe me?

She finally speaks up "Umm hey Michael do you mind me sitting here?" I didn't answer or move but all honesty I didn't mind.

I kept staring out of the window not touching any of my food. Then I hear footsteps behind me I know it's not doctor loomis.

I hear a voice it's the boy who's about 15 and was put in here about 3 months ago "Hey there your Y/N right" Y/N rubs her arm clearly uncomfortable "Yeah im Y/N. Who are you?" He looks down at Y/N "Im Ben. Why are you sitting with Myers why don't you sit with me no one will hurt you" I was angry with this he is right behind my chair.

So I move my leg and sweep his leg from underneath him and he falls backwards and smashes his head against the floor no one saw what I did only Y/N did and she looked down at Ben I don't think she knew what to do in this situation.

A Guard ran over and asked Y/N what happened and Y/N said that Ben had fallen over and then a nurse comes in and takes Ben away.

When the guard turns around Y/N turns to me and mouths "Thank you" I nod and keep staring out the window. I'm wondering why didn't she say I had moved?

Maybe she will tell dr loomis afterwards? A couple more guards come in with Dr Loomis infront of them "Y/N come on lets go" Y/N stands up but not before looking at me and saying "Bye michael" she waves and walks away with dr loomis after a short while the guards start dragging me back to my room. I hate this place so much!

The only person in this place I actually like is Y/N and that is because she well sorta understands me in some way.

After they dragged me for about 2 minutes I was thrown into my room or cell whatever it is I don't really care I slowly walked to my chair and sighed then I sat down and kept staring out of the window one day I will get out of this place mark my words.


I walked with my uncle away from the cafeteria I was wondering to myself should I tell my uncle about Michael and the way he acted when Ben was making me uncomfortable he literally put Ben on his arse.

No I can't do that not to michael he has never like shown aggression towards me I think I consider him a friend well a friend who can't speak.

I think Michael enjoys me being around well he doesn't show he does but I have this feeling like he does.

It's currently the school break so I'm not in school for another few months which is good since I can just come here and see Michael I really enjoy this maybe one day I can be a physiologist and a doctor.

Soon we are driving away from smiths grove sanitarium "So Y/N how was today?" my uncle asks "It was good" my uncle always asks me this question "Did michael speak or move Y/N?" I shake my head "No I don't think he ever will do anything like that" I lied but luckily my uncle believed it "Oh yes I agree just asking since your basically like another one of his doctors well technically your like my little helper"

Uncle loomis smiles at me and I smile back at him. After about 20-30 minutes of talking we arrive back at my house "Well Y/N I'll see you next time you come to the sanitarium with me have a good few days"

I wave and then he waves back and drives off. I walk inside my house and my mom is in the kitchen cooking and dad is sitting in a chair reading the newspaper "I'm back" I say and they both welcome me back and we all talk for a bit then I go to my room and start to read my favourite book (choose whatever you want) then I fall asleep


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