Chapter 8 ~ The Masked Man

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I was doing my daily walks around haddonfield and that's when I come across one of my close friends laurie strode. "Laurie!"

I shout to her as I run up to her "Hey Y/N" she waves slightly we start walking together and start talking about girl stuff and that's when I see a young blonde haired boy I think his names Tommy Doyle "Laurie. You coming over tonight?" and Laurie looks down at the young boy "Same time same place" Laurie answers. Laurie is so nice she deserves the best I always see her carrying her books around "Can we make jack o lanterns?" Laurie nods and then Tommy asks "Can we watch the monster movie?"

I smile at the young boy "Sure" Tommy then starts asking about Laurie making popcorn and other things I giggle and then Laurie ruffles with Tommys hair we reach a path. "You guys better hurry up" Tommy looks at me then to Laurie "Why?" I look at Laurie "What's the rush Laurie?" I ask as we all continue walking. "I have to drop off a key"

I nod and we continue walking and out of the blue Tommy asks "Why?" "Because my dad told me too and plus he's gonna sell a house" I look at Laurie "What house is it Laurie?" Laurie looks back at me then down to Tommy "The myers house" she says and Tommy must start feeling uneasy since everyone believes it's haunted which I believe is completely bullshit soon we arrive at the Myers house. "The Myers house?! Your not supposed to go up there" Laurie looks at Tommy "Yes I am"

Laurie then waves the key in front of Tommy's face and then Laurie turns to me "Y/N can you hold these for me" she says gesturing to her books "Yeah sure" I take them off of Laurie and she says thanks and then she walks up to the Myers house front door.

"That's the spook house" Tommy says pointing at it laurie then puts the key under the mat and then Laurie walks back down to us but I swear I seen something behind the door I'm too zoned out to hear what Laurie and Tommy are saying.

Then I snap out of my trance and Tommy says "I gotta go" Laurie waves to him and i say "Bye kiddo" and then Tommy runs away "Laurie I'll see you around yeah?" Laurie nods "Bye Y/N" then I walk away. But unknown to me and  Laurie a masked man steps out of the house.

After a while I reach my college and I see max with Sandra. "Y/N!"

Sandra runs up to me and hugs me and I hug her back. She soon let's go of me "Hey max" I wave at him and he waves back "So Y/N me and you got our first lesson together" I nod at max Sandra smiles.

"Right i will see you two after come to my house if we don't see each other for the rest of the day" we both nod and wave to Sandra and she walks away me and max walk to class together I sit near the window and I can see out onto the road.

About halfway through the lesson I look out the window and I see a man in a white mask he's standing behind a car and he's staring right at me maybe this is just a Halloween prank or some bullshit.

The teacher asks me a question and I snap my head towards the teacher and answer the question and it is correct.

Then I turn to the window and still see the man I whisper to max "Hey max there's some guy staring into our class" max turns towards the window my eyes are still fixed on max.

"Geez Y/N there's no one there your probably scared or something" I turn my head towards the window and the man and the car is gone it's as like he was never there "It was just there" max shakes his head and smiles and I continue on with the lesson.

After all my lessons in college end I see Sandra and we start walking home together max walked home with some of his other friends.

Me and Sandra soon see a car slowly drive by. I look inside and I can't believe it it's that masked guy "Hey Sandra I seen that guy earlier outside of our college" Sandra looks at me and nods before shouting at the car. "Hey creep!"

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