Chapter 7 ~ 7 Years Later

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Y/N and michael are both 21 now so hope you enjoy the chapter!!!



I woke up in my bed I now live in Haddonfield illinois I've lived here for about a year now so not long but also not a short amount of time I really like keeping to myself but I have a couple friends. I love art and also the best thing is I'm really good at it I draw random things I've passed a creepy house that many people have said is haunted and bad stuff happened there years ago.

A kid actually asked me to draw it for him and I did but when I held it out to him he was too scared to take it and he ran off.

I actually have that drawing around here somewhere I'm currently sitting on my nice and comfy bed it's the 30th October 1978 which means Halloween's tomorrow which is exciting since I like Halloween I think it's a cool holiday maybe not one of my favourites but still I think it's cool I already have some Halloween decorations up like for instance I have a bat thing hanging from one of my front windows.

But lately I've had some sort of dreams of a brown haired boy in some sort of asylum and there's like a younger version of me talking to him but he never actually said anything to me.

I'm actually In college here I met a few people there. There is this girl called Sandra who's my friend and who also likes art.

She prefers painting over drawing though so that's that. She's really good way better than me at art but if you ask who's better she says me I also know this girl laurie strode she lives really close to me she's really nice she's 17 so I'm 4 years older than her.

Then there's max he has short blonde hair and to be honest he's quite cute he's also someone I met in college we are friends but not as close as I am with Sandra and Laurie.


It's been 7 years since I last saw WHAT IS MINE! She probably doesn't even remember me which makes me really angry.

Barely anyone has come in my room only dr loomis and some nurses to give me injections and check up on me which I hated.

But I heard dr loomis talking to a guard about Y/N and he said that she is living in haddonfield and she's in college and what's better news is that my sister is in haddonfield.

It's Halloween soon I don't know how I can tell but I know it is tomorrow I'm escaping later this night.

I'll break the window and smash my room up and then once a nurse comes in or whoever I'll kill them and release all the patients and then I'll take it from there. Hopefully I don't fail.

Later that night


Its time for me to be free from this place and finally finish what I started. Also in the process get WHAT IS MINE BACK! I started punching the window breaking it and then I start ripping up the bedsheets and tearing everything apart and then I hear the sound of my door open up and a nurse comes in.

"Michael remain calm I'm gonna go call dr loomis your court date is coming up you see" I didn't care I needed to be free and she isn't gonna stand in my way no one is.

So I grab her by the throat and lift her up before ripping her windpipe out and then I pick her up by the hair and start smashing her head against the wall blood is pouring out of her head and with that she bleeds out.

I see she has some sort of carving tool in her pocket I rip it out of her pocket not like she will be needing it haha.

Then I walk up to the door and start carving the name 'Sister' into the door and then right underneath the word 'sister' I carve the word 'Y/N' I smile like a maniac and walk out and I walk over to the cells or rooms or whatever and start pressing buttons and with that all the patients are free.

Most of them start running around and some guards start fighting with them but the guards are soon overwhelmed with patients this is my chance I then walk out of the facility I had to kill like three guards before I got to this point I see dr loomis and some girl in the car they seem to be discussing something then I see the patients behind me and I run out and climb the fence and then I drop down and climb onto the top of the car.

I look below me and see her put the window down a bit then I start grabbing her she starts speeding up the car and I look and then I let go of her and I sense she has cowered over to the other window so I raise my arm far back enough and slap the window cracking it instantly and that causes her to jump out of the car then I drop down and get into the car and speed off leaving behind the hell hole they call smiths grove sanitarium finally I'm free.

I know how to drive since I saw my parents drive and I remembered everything they did and it actually came in handy they have been dead for a long time but I don't care.

After a while I see a truck driver parked on the side of the road he's out of his truck having a cigarette his back is facing me he has blue coveralls on.

I stop the car and get out and he turns around to face me "Need any help. You look like you just escaped a hospital with those clothes on you" he chuckles "You mute or something? You speak right I'm speaking English alright?"

He does some hand movements and I've had enough of this idiot I grab him and push him into the back of his truck and then when he's about to get up I start slamming his head into the truck.

When that's done I strip him of his clothes and chuck his body into the bush beside me and then I get into the car I stole and drive away.

A few hours passed and I had arrived at my hometown haddonfield Illinois it's pretty early in the morning.

That's when  I see a hardware store and I decide to head inside so I break into it and I see a plain white mask with brown hair so I put it on its perfect then I leave the store but not before taking a couple of knives and a rope.

I get back into the car and drive to my old house it looks like no one has been in there which is good I don't like people changing my things. I decide to stay in my old house for quite some time but that is until I hear a couple of voices coming from outside but one of them seems awfully familiar...

So Michael has escaped what do you think and who were the people outside of his house?


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