4. Chad's newly found acquaintance

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The two were now on the road, Chad deciding to start a conversation, mostly out of curiosity towards his newly found acquaintance.

"So, why did you sign up for the basketball team?"

Ryan's face went from a comfortable smirk to a frown, as he kept one hand on the steering wheel and an elbow on the edge of the car window.

"My dad made me. We had a fight last night because of my.. flamboyant behavior and my.. blatant homosexuality. He thinks that signing me up for 'manly' activities will magically turn me straight somehow."

"I guess he hasn't thought of the part where you get naked with fifteen guys in a steamy lockeroom then."

Ryan chuckled.

"Seriously though, your dad's an asshole, my parents were way more chill about it when I. Uhm."

Ryan did everything he could to keep his eyes on the road and not let his jaw drop on the floor.

"Wait.. you're gay?"

"Bi. I came out to my parents a couple of months ago, soon after I found out myself. Taylor actually suggested I might also be into dudes, that's how I put two and two together and found out I had a crush on Zeke. That's why me and her broke up."

"You mean Zeke the other.. basketball guy?"

"Yeah but I only liked him for like two weeks, also he's like. Madly in love with your sister."

"Shar? How?"

Chad laughed and shook his head. God it was so hard keeping his eyes on the road.

"Honestly man? I don't know, but he's always 'Sharpay' this and 'Sharpay' that 'oh today Sharpay looked at me', 'oh she's so pretty'... so on so forth."

Now it was Ryan's turn to laugh and shake his head.

"I don't like that people are crushing on my sister, its not good for one's mental health to have it bad for Sharpay Evans."
He said with a stupid 'i just made the best joke ever' grin on his face

"Wait." Chad moved to the edge of his seat and turned as much as he could towards Ryan. "You mean to tell me that Zeke is not the only one?!"

Ryan sighed, mocking an exasperated frown.

"Unfortunately Kelsi has also fallen for the Ice Queen Of East High."

"Dude no way!" Ryan was rocking back and forth on his seat like a child "gossip makes me so fucking hyped"

"Well you better calm down, because we've reached our destination."

Ryan was parking the convertible in front of a restaurant that looked way too fancy for Chad's wallet.

"You know that I.. can't pay for this right?"

"That's why I'll be handling the bill."
He said with a wide grin.

If paying Chad's bills made Ryan smile like that, the brunette was ready to hand the other boy his entire college bill and his parents' mortgage.

Ryan got out of the car, then circled around it and opened Chad's door for him, causing Chad to put his hand on his chest and mockingly praise him:

"Oh, what a gentleman!"

The two of them burst out laughing and walked towards the entrance of the diner.
Once they were seated by a fancy man with a mustache wearing a tux, Ryan ordered for both of them, also succeeding to make the waiters bring them wine after casually name dropping his father to one of them.

They sat for hours, eating weird gourmet food and talking about meaningless stuff, sometimes accidentally brushing hands together and trying to ignore it.

By the end of their meal, Ryan, who had fortunately payed in advance, was a little drunk, causing Chad to have to drive them back to the Evans mansion. Ryan was tipsy, but still overall sober enough to give the curly haired boy indications to his house.

When they arrived it was around ten pm, and by that time every member of the Evans family had already went to bed to get their beauty sleep.
Ryan handed Chad the keys to his house, so that he could open the door and bring him to his room.

As Ryan plopped face first onto his bed while mumbling the words to some weird musical song about a dead girl that walked, Chad had a realization.
His house was too far from Ryan's, he couldn't possibly walk there, so he'd have to spend the night there. He sighed, taking off his shoes and settling beside Ryan, both of them still in their basketball jerseys as they forgot to go pick their clothes up at school using the keys Chad had stolen from a janitor.

Chad fell asleep as Ryan was tossing and turning in his drunken sleep, weirdly happy about the adventure he had just lived.

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