12. not sure if he liked him back

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"Dude. This movie was trash!" Chad threw his empty popcorn box into the trashcan in the movie theater hall.

"Did you also think it was trash while you were basically jumping on my lap at every jumpscare?" Ryan was swiping popcorn crumbs off his pants, a whitty grin on his face.

"Oh shut up. You were screaming like a girl the whole time!"

Ryan mockingly brought a hand to his mouth and gasped. "Chad. That is so homophobic."

They both started laughing at Ryan's remark, when they saw a tall guy in a red and white tshirt and a short brunette girl approaching them.

"Hey guys!" Troy waved at them, with the other hand on Kelsi's back.

He leaned in to Chad's ear. "how was your date?"
Chad kicked him.

He truly, oh so honestly adored Troy. But Jesus christ. Couldn't he be living in any less of a fairytale godamn it? The way he was trying to set him and Ryan up was just awkward, and Chad was even fearing it could ruin their friendship at some point. He did like Ryan tho. He was pretty sure at this point, the way his heart bumped faster when he was with him, all the times he had needed to catch a breath after a particularly flirty exchange, the way he longed to touch him in any way possible, either 'accidentally' brushing his hand against Ryan's or giving him the eventional friendly shoulder pat. To be honest, he had even thought of kissing him a couple of times, alone in his room when no one was around, with his pointer and middle finger pressed on his bottom lip.
What he wasn't sure of tho, was that Ryan liked him back.

Troy shrugged, faking ignorance as always. They got out of the movie theater and went for milkshakes, which Ryan refrained from drinking because 'I'm lactose intolerant'
'you look like someone who's lactose intolerant'
'and what are you trying to insinuate with that?!'

It was around 6 pm at that point, and the teens decided to head home for dinner. Troy and Kelsi had already went their separate ways, Ryan and Chad were getting into Ryan's car, he was going to be the other's ride home.

"Hey Chad" he inserted the keys into the car and started the engine. "Wanna have dinner with me and my family?"

Now, to understand why Ryan would make such a bizarre and inconvenient proposition, we need to go over what he was thinking right at that moment. Well, for starters, Ryan really, REALLY liked Chad like, a lot. In the overwhelming teenage crush way. He would do anything he could to get Chad to be with him for as long as possible. The second reason was his dad. He was hoping that this way he could introduce him to Chad in a more friendly way, and that they would get along with talking about basketball and baseball, so maybe, one day, if Chad and him were ever to become, how do you say it, boyfriends, his dad wouldn't be so mad about it. It felt embarrassing admitting to himself that he was even thinking about having a romantic relationship with Chad Danforth. But a man can only dream, right?

Chad didn't have time to think about it. It would be rude to stop to think to himself if he wanted to accept, so he decided in favor of it for the sake of his incredibly pathetic crush on Ryan Evans.

"With your sister who hates my guts and your homophobic dad? Why not!"

Ryan smiled. It was all going to be worth it,  because of that godamn smile. He started driving, while Chad called his mom on the phone to tell her he wouldn't be home for dinner.

"There's no need to do that Chad, we're stopping to your house first, dinner is served at 8 anyway."

"What? Why are we?"

"I'm not gonna let you meet my parents dressed like that!"

Chad looked down at his outfit. He was wearing the usual pair of skinny jeans and a bright green tshirt with purple letters on the chest that said 'he did it.'

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Well first of all, we're not even gonna talk about the implications of that phrase on your shirt, second of all it's way too casual for a formal dinner."

"Is the dinner gonna be formal?"

"It always is with my parents."

Chad sighed and slouched in his passenger seat, arms crossed to his chest.
What  does a man reduce himself to just for some dick?

This chapter is kinda short and uneventful ugh but I wanted to break it off and get the dinner it's own chapter so yeah. Also I'm drinking unhealthy amounts of orange juice rn, I think that's very important for story context

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