7. Ryan scores

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Ryan Evans was now sitting for the second time in the place that he hated the most in the entire world. He was sat on the lockeroom bench, trying his best to tie his new basketball shoes. God he hadn't used shoelaces in so long.
Chad was sitting right beside him, enjoying how hilariously awkward the usually graceful boy was being about a simple pair of shoes.

"Dude. You're ridiculous. Let me help you out at least!"

Chad grabbed Ryan's foot and positioned it on his knee, as the dancer grew redder and sweatier by the second. Chad lightly slapped the other's leg after he was done.

"Here you go, sweetie."

Suddenly Ryan wasn't the only red and sweaty one, as Chad's slippery words caught the attention of half of the guys in the room. Chad coffed loudly, then ran his hand through his hair a couple of times, all while avoiding eye contact with Ryan.
What the fuck. He just couldn't believe he said that. Who the hell calls their friends 'sweetie'. Who the hell ties their friends' shoes. 'Stupid Chad stupid idiot stupid stupid dumbass why would you say that.'

There was silence for a while, although Chad could hear his heartbeat louder than Jason's yelling when he was playing COD. Then coach Bolton called for the start of the practice.

Troy and Chad were assigned to teach Ryan the basics while everyone else focused on their regular training, which left the three boys in a corner of the gym.

"Ok, Evans." Chad patted his back. "This is how you position yourself for a shot."

Chad bent his knees as he held the ball to the side of his head. Ryan tried to emulate the pose but it just looked weird when done by him, Troy kept shaking his head as Ryan changed his position slightly, and Chad scratched the back of his head.

Chad let out a loud sigh. "No dude, you're getting it all wrong! Here."

Chad positioned himself behind Ryan, grabbing his waist to pose it in the right way, as an incredibly flushed Ryan Evans began feeling weak in the knees. He then positioned his hands on top of Ryan's, noticing how curated and soft they were... No Chad. Get your head in the godamn game and focus.
He led the other's arm movements and they threw the ball together, causing it to fall right through the net of the small basket ring they had set up.

Ryan gasped and turned around, facing Chad, and grinned proudly.

"I did it! My first goal!"

He hugged Chad, who was being looked at by the signature Confused Troy Face.

"Your first what?"

Chad burst out laughing as Ryan got himself out of the hug.. that he just now noticed had been going on for a while. He turned towards Troy, posing his pointer on his bottom lip.

"Is that not how you say it?"

After practice was over, Chad finally got a hold of his clothes from the day before, as Ryan waved goodbye after quietly explaining that he preferred to take his shower at home.

Troy was Chad's ride home, and as the two waited in the parking lot for coach Bolton to have signed some papers, Troy decided to speak up about what had been on his mind.

"Dude, aren't we gonna talk about you and Ryan?"

Chad gave him a perplexed look. "Uh?"

"Come on, don't act like I didn't see what I saw man! First of all I'm pretty sure I heard you calling him 'sweetie' and 'Ry', then those... intense stares you give eachother, the constant touching and hugging and caressing, one time i saw you guys holding pinkies!"

Chad prayed to every God that might have existed that he wasn't blushing as hard as how hot his face felt, as he waved his hands in front of him dismissively.

"Troy no! You're getting it all wrong, me and Ryan are just friends."

"Well me and you are also friends, but you don't see me getting a hard on for wearing your hoodie."

Chad punched Troy's arm, an angry expression on his face, as the other snickered while holding his stomach with his hand.

"You're looking too much into this, dude" Chad shook his head, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"Then why are you still wearing his hoodie?"

"Ugh, shut up Troy!"

As they changed topic and started talking about other things, Chad thought to himself that coming out to Troy was the best decision he had ever made. Not only Troy was supportive but he felt comfortable with Chad's attraction to guys. He didn't sit in awkward silence when Chad made note of some cute guy at the diner, he wouldn't get offended when people made jokes about the two of them being together, and he even jokingly teased Chad whenever he saw him getting flustered around a guy. That was his best friend Troy, who had a lovely family that loved Chad as much as their son, as much as Chad loved Troy as a brother.

After a fifteen minute talk about the incredible wonders of car washes and of how there should really be a car wash for humans, coach Bolton finally appeared, holding a stack of papers, and drove the boys home.

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