-Brody: Chapter Twenty-

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I see Chase walk out of the restaurant, like he's in a daze. Audrey, Mr. Parker and two other people I don't know stare after him.

It’s my grandpa’s birthday and my parent’s and I are here celebrating with him.

I realize my grandpa is talking to me, but my mind is elsewhere.

By the time the Parker group leaves I’m already a million miles away, back in my childhood.

Mrs. Parker is making a batch of lemon cookies topped with smooth, cream cheese frosting. I can still taste the tart cookies and feel the sugary sweetness of the frosting melting on my tongue.

It’s a Saturday afternoon, Chase and I are about 8 years old. We’re on our stomachs in the family room building, I think, a pretty amazing Lego tower. The sun is gleaming through the floor length windows, dust motes shimmering in the shafts of light.

There isn't a better place to be on a Saturday than here building Legos with Chase, stuffing our faces with cookies.

Audrey walks into the family room, a canvas and paints tucked under her arm, paint brushes fisted in her hand. She grins, her dimple winking at us.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” She walks past us, tousling Chase’s hair and heads outside to the back patio.

My eight-year-old heart has a tiny crush on her. I envy this family and all the chaos and noise it brings. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family. It’s just kinda quiet and boring at my house, being the only child and all.

Being around the Parker’s makes me feel like I'm a part of a big, loud family. I like that feeling. Mrs. Parker is like a second mom to me, Chase, like a brother and Audrey like a sister, a real pretty sister.

“Son? Son…...” I shake my head and the memories fade away, as the waiter sets our food in front of us.

“Sorry, dad. My mind was wandering. What was the question?” My dad starts talking, but I’m already thinking of Chase again, that I need to call him, see how he is. It’s been too long.

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