c h a p t e r 4

356 5 0

Willows POV

"Hockey players can skate right?"

"Well yeah" he chuckles as stating the obvious.

"You can fill in for Timothy", I say while crossing my arms and looking up at him.

"Wait, what!?. No, I'm not doing that", he says

"You said you'd do anything", I say

"Yeah but not this"

"It's not like I'm asking you for a fucking kidney"

"What would I get out of it?"

"The happiness of fixing a problem that you caused"

"How about we make a deal?"

"A deal?"

"Yeah. If I do this for you, then you need to come with me to a party that my family is hosting" he says

"Fine" I sigh

"As my girlfriend" He adds

"What!?" I reply

"Just my fake girlfriend and it will only be for one night. Have we got a deal?" He asks, putting his hand out for me to shake.

I think about it for a second and then shake his hand "training starts Monday"

He nods.


It's now Monday morning, luckily it's the start of summer vacation so I don't have school. I'm sitting at the breakfast table with my dad and brother.

"So, what are you both doing today?" My dad asks us both

"I'm going out with a few of the boys" Austin says while eating his pancakes

My dad nods "What about you Will?" He turns to me

"I'm skating" I say

"Oh right of course you have the semi-finals this weekend. How are you going to do the duet with out Timothy?" He asks

"Well this weekend is just solos, and I found a new partner. We have two weeks to train until the finals" I take a sip of my apple juice

"Who is he?" My brother asks

"Oh he's just this other skater from training who's partner couldn't skate either", I lied. I knew my brother and dad would be weird about it.


I've been waiting in the rink for almost 40 minutes and he still hasn't shown up.

I've finally had enough of waiting. I begin taking off my skates and walk towards my locker to get my bag out. As I'm walking towards the door it flies open. It's Gabe, holding his hockey skates.

I can't help but let out a small smile "You came" I say as I walk up to him

"Yeah", he replies

I look down to his skates then back to his face "okay, then let's begin"


We both make our way onto the ice. "Okay, just show me what you can do first", I say

"Like what?", he asks

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