c h a p t e r 6

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"Thankyou" I say to Gabe as he pulls up outside my house. He's dropping me home for the last minute practice.

I see Austin's car in the drive, and I take a deep breath before opening the car door. "I'll see you next practice" I say

"Hey don't you have your solo competition tomorrow?" he asks

"Yeah, I do. Do you wanna come? You could get a look at what a real competition is like" I say

"I don't think I'll be able to make it, I have my fitting for the ball then. But I just wanted to say good luck" he says

I smile at him "Thanks, and goodnight" I say while closing his car door.

I make my way up the porch steps and prepare myself before opening the front door.

Once I've opened it I see Chloe sitting in the kitchen. I slam the door shut and look at them both.

Chloe looks at me with an anxious face and Austin just looks mad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Will. Do you have any idea what Gabe is like?" Austin shouts while walking towards me

"What's wrong with me? Think back to the scene you just cause in the middle of a restaurant for no fucking reason" I shout back

"Look, I'm sorry for that okay? I just know what guys like Gabe are like" he says

"I know but we are literally just skating together. Nothing more" I say

He nods and takes his seat again

"So what's going on between you two then?" I ask while looking back and forth between Chloe and Austin

"We're dating" Chloe blurts out "I'm sorry Will I wanted to tell you but we just didn't know how to"

I laugh "it's fine honestly, It's just a surprise that's all"

"Thankyou" Chloe says while hugging me. "Well I better leave"

I nod as she leaves then turn to Austin "You have semi-finals tomorrow?" He asks

"Yep, so I better go to sleep" I say

"Okay goodnight" he says



It's the day of the semi-finals. My brother said that he would drive me to the rink. Chloe was also in the car, although it didn't seem awkward we talked the whole time.

Once we arrive at the competition I get changed into my outfit and put on my skates.

"Hey Will, thank you for being so supportive of me and Chloe" He says while Chloe went to get drinks

"No problem, but If you hurt her, or mess her about....." I pretend to slit his throat with my fingers as a fake knife

"You couldn't your too much of a pussy" he says

I push him with all my force which send him stumbling back. Who's the pussy now. He laughs then uses only his index finger to push my shoulder. I wobble on my skates and fall to the ground.

"You bitch" I say while getting back up

"Miss Lopez?" I hear from behind me.

No way, it was the Dean of my dream college, well it's more of a skating University. With the best skating programme in the world. SHE'S TALKING TO ME.

"Yes" I say nervously

"I'm Rebecca Pritchard, Dean of Remington University" she puts out her hand for me to shake

"I know who you are" I say while smiling and shaking her hand back

"I've been watching you skate, you're good" she says "Are you thinking of taking it up professionally one day?"

"Yes ma'am" I answer

"Good! We have a great Skating programme. Let's see how you get on In the next two competitions, if you win there's a chance that you'll get into your dream school" she says

I breath inwards trying to take in what she just said "how do you know it's my dream school?"

"It's every skaters dream school, and me and your mom used to go there together, I'd love to see you follow in her footsteps" she says while walking away

I turn around and see Chloe and Austin standing there with smiles on there faces.

"Shit! Will, did you here that?" Chlo says while hugging me

"Yeah, she said it too me" I say stating the obvious while smiling

"Next and last skater, Willow Lopez" I here from the speakers

"Knock em dead Will" my brother says


Once I'm in the middle of the rink, all lights on me and the audience is in darkness.

The track starts playing. I begin skating. Feeling the freeness I always feel when I'm on the ice. There's twists, turns, jumps.

Gabe's POV

I didn't think I'd be able to make it to Willows competition but I ran out of the fitting I was at, and now I'm walking through the doors of the ice rink.

I spot her straight away. She's already skating. Everyone staring at her in ore, just like I am. She looks so free on the ice and confident. I stand and watch her dance until the end of the song.

Once it's over, she bows to the judges and makes her way off the ice. I see her hug her brother and Chloe.

I walk over to them and she makes eye contact with me "you came" she says

"Yeah, I wanted to check out a competition" I say "you skated well"

"Thanks" she replies with a smile

Her smile made me smile.

"Can the semi - finalists please make their way onto the ice" , the speakers announce

Willow takes a deep breath and makes her way back onto the ice.

Willows POV

I stand there next to 5 other girls. All of us waiting in anticipation for them to announce who's going through.

"If I call your name, please skate forward"

"Emma Houston"
"Courtney Trey"
And "Willow Lopez"

All of us skated forward.

"Congratulations you three, you and your partners will be going through to the semi - finals" the announcer calls

I look over to Gabe and see him already smiling at me.

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