c h a p t e r 1 0

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The rest of the night went alright. After our little argument in the middle of the ballroom, Austin put up with it and went back to the bar. My dad just congratulated me on getting a boyfriend and Gabe's parents and brothers went back to talking to other guests.

We are currently sitting at a table after finishing a three course meal with Gabe's family. My family sat on another table across the room from us.

A glass chimed and I look over to see Gabe's mom and dad standing on the stage in front of a microphone. "Hello everyone Thankyou very much for coming to our annual ball, which this year we have been lucky enough to organise" Gabe's dad says

"We would also like to say a big Thankyou to our sons for being here today, Ethan, Olly and Gabriel" there were some claps from the audience and a few glances over at us.

"I hope you all enjoyed the meal, and hopefully you enjoy the rest of the night", Mrs Fitzgerald adds

I glance over at the large drapes on the wall behind them and come across a large clock. It's gold with white detailing and-

I gasp "GABE! It's 8!" I shout

"Shit" he responds

We both quickly get out of our seats and look at each other "it's only down the street we'll have to make a run for it. Our costumes are there right?" He asks

"Yeah" it reply

"Okay let's go" he takes my hand and we start running out of the ball room. I almost run into a waiter carrying Champaign but slightly miss him "sorry" I shout whole continuing running.

We finally make our way outside and it's pouring with rain "oh no my hair" I shout. I can't mess up my hair, not before a dance.

"Here cover your head with this" he says while taking off his suit jacket.

I cover my head with it and we continue to run.

Finally the rink is in view and we burst through the doors. I look over and see that two skaters are already dancing.


We run to the changing rooms, quickly get into our costumes and skates.

"Skating next, Willow Lopez and her partner Gabriel Fitzgerald" We make our way onto the Ice and before I know it the music is playing. The song is 'Till forever falls apart' by Finneas and Ashe.

We start of small and the once the chorus hits we go into a lift, then spins. Gabe grabs my hips and spins me in the air. As I'm lowered back down to him we look each other in the eyes then continue skating.

Once we reach the end of the song, we make eye contact again. I feel safe.

Our eye contact is broken by a string off applauses. I look and see the judges clapping and the audience cheering. I turn to Gabe and we hug, be picks me up and we spin on the ice.

Once we make our way off the ice it's time for me to stretch, and get ready for my solo. This is the moment I've been waiting for.

Gabe's POV

"Willow Lopez, on the ice please", the speakers say. Willow smiles at me and makes her way onto the rink.

I can't help but feel happy when I'm around her, it's something I've never really felt before.

I hear a cough behind me, I turn around and see Austin and Coach Lopez standing there.

"You two skated well" Coach Lopez says

"How did you-" I ask

"We we're gonna leave the ball early to come and watch Willow perform anyway, but then when we saw you both running out, we left too, but got a cab like a normal person" He says

I laugh and then turn to Austin.

He slaps me on the shoulder and says "be good to my baby sister"

"Of course I will" I say back. I didn't even tell him that the relationship was fake. I guess I can now that the ball is over. But, I don't want to.

The music starts. (Ride- by Lana Del Rey) she looks so angelic once the lights shine on her.

She starts to dance, I can't take my eye of her. The way she moves and how pretty she looks. I can tell everyone else is admiring her as-well. There's something about Willow that everybody likes, especially me.

I hear faint sniffles next to me and I look over. I see couch crying. I've never seen him cry before "she looks just like her mother" he whispers.

During the dance she does amazing moves which the judges are please with and the crowd is wowed with.

Once the dance comes to an end, the lights dim and she makes her way over to us.

The first thing she does is hug me, I was expecting her to go to her father or brother first, but no she chose me. I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. "That was amazing" I whispered into her ear.

She looks over to her dad and sees him crying. She wraps her arms around him and devours him in a hug. "Your mom would be so proud" he says

"I hope so, but do you know what she's most proud of?" She says to him

"You" she says "she's most proud of you, for everything you've done for us. For staying strong even when you felt like your world was crashing down on you. I'm proud of you" she says while starting to get teary herself

"Me too, I'm proud of both of you" Austin chimes in and hugs them both at the same time.

Willow POV

"Can all finalists please make there way back to the rink please, that's all finalists back to the rink"

It was only the soloists who could win the trophy so the people who were just competing in duos couldn't come up.

"Good luck" I heard from behind me as I made my way back onto the ice.

The spotlights come on and flash onto us contestants.

"In first place and winner overall is...."

It felt like the world was in slow motion. My heart beat was above average and all I could think about was my future. This determines my future.

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