Chapter One

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Hi Everyone!!! How are you all? Long time no see 🙈 Presenting you another brand new story on RagSan on SwaRagini serial based track with another twist. A love tale which is ready to explode in your hearts ❤️ Please give it same love as my other stories.

Adapted from track in SwaRagini, where the night before the wedding Sanskaar has a change of heart and Swara and Lakshya get married without hurdles, leaving Ragini heartbroken.

Sun Saiyaan is a story about Ragini and her feelings, after being betrayed by her best friend and watching the love of her life marrying her sister. The inner turmoil that no one hears will now be exposed in front of the person she hates the most, Sanskaar.

What decisions will Ragini make now, will she take revenge for her suffering or simply move on with what life threw at her?


Sun Saiyaan

"Roses are dead, love is fake, weddings are basically funeral with cakes."

- Rick & Morty -

Chapter One

Tears seeped down her puffy red eyes, as they froze on the screen of her phone that was laid landscape, leaning against the lamp on the desk in front of her, showing her a heartbreaking view. She whimpered and sobbed, starting to feel numbness attack her heart. She was nothing but a helpless, scattered vulnerable woman in pain right now.

She watched him fill her hairline and closed her eyes, falling onto the ground from her bed she was sat on earlier, hitting her head onto the tiled floor. She cried as much as she could, yet it went unheard amidst the joyful wedding taking place right below. Even if she wanted to cause a scene and scream her displeasure, she wasn't able to move or shout for help. The rope on her wrist was tied tightly along with the tape and the tight cloth over her mouth.

She was being held captive, against her wish not knowing by who and why.

Last thing she remembered was going to the temple with Swara just before the wedding and now she finds herself in this discomforting situation. She was certain that someone close to her had done this, otherwise it was absurd to hold her captive in her own room, in her own house. She opened her eyes and cried, trying to sit up but her body was too weak for her to take control of. All the crying had scattered her emotions and the ability to calm herself down.

The coldness from the floor sent shivers down her spine and her cheeks began heating. She gave up trying to get up and rested her head on the floor, struggling to breathe properly due to the blockage of her nose. She coughed and had no air to inhale properly. Was this it, the end of her life, she now really wondered if she would pass away like this.

The door creaked open and she lifted her head, merely seeing the shoes of the figure walking towards her and then a saree near the door, closing it.

He held onto her and picked her up, placing her back on the bed. Seeing her struggle breathing, he instantly untied the cloth and took the tape off. She exhaled weakly and her head fell forward, resting against his stomach. Her eyes slowly flicker and she takes a moment to catch her breath.

"Sanskaar. . ." She softly mumbled, despite not seeing who the face belonged to, she recognised the scent, knowing who she was leaning her head on.

She lifted her head to confirm her answer, and stared at him staring down at her. "Why did you. . ." She inhaled to catch her breath before continuing, "ruin it?"

Sun Saiyaan ~ A RagSan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now