Chapter Seven

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Sun Saiyaan
"It's always the ones you trust the most that hurt you more."

. . .

After a long time, I know and we're sorry, but we couldn't help it this time. I promise. Chu couldn't access her account, so after trying so hard she finally managed to get it back! And now we're back, well at least I am 🤪.

I want to clarify once again that this story is written by me, Halima, _Hxl1m4_ !
Chu is only doing me a favour by uploading it on her account so it could reach more RagSan fans. That is because I'm not a popular RagSan writer that's why 🫣.

Now without wasting more of your time, let's start! I hope you guys enjoy it. 🙌🏼✨🤞🏼

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Chapter Seven

She flapped her eyes, staring outside the window sat in the back seat behind the drivers seat, lost in chain of thoughts. Sanskaar was driving while Sujata was sat next to him in passengers seat. He tried finding Ragini through the rear mirror but could only see her hair.

"How dare they act pious and look down on us!" She sighed in anger and clenched her fist, "they're acting like all of them are washed with holy water!" She further added and grit her teeth, hitting her fist on her lap. She wanted to break and kick something, that's how angry she was but she knew she had to stay calm and mature for her son and Ragini to assure them that she is in a calm mindset to protect them.

"Mom, thank you." Sanskaar genuinely thanked Sujata and she turned her head towards him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I will always protect you! Before reaching you they should face my wrath." Hearing her words Sanskaar's eyes moistened and a faint smile curved over his lips, he felt relieved. He was scared, worried and stressed before but now he feels relaxed because he knows his mother is and will always be there for him. He thought he lost his family again after what he had done but seeing his mother stand strongly with him, he felt grateful and not lonely anymore.

Ragini had also heard what Sujata had said and glances down while staring outside the window, 'I wish someone was there to protect me too.' She clenched her fist and her eyes watered, it was too sad for her to even think about how cold and lonely she felt this very moment. In a blink of an eye everything was stolen from her fate. She was now stuck in the middle of nowhere surrounded by darkness. She has no one to call her own anymore, she lost her love and her family, all because of her so called 'best-friend' and 'Daadimaa.'

"Mom, I'll start looking for places to stay, until then can we stay in the hotel?"

"No!" Sujata refused and shook her head negatively, "drive to the house. I'll see how they kick us out."

"But Mom that will cause unnecessary drama, it's better if me and Ragini move out. We can start our life and journey afresh."

"Without me?" Sujata was offended as she flapped her eyes at Sanskaar, "if you're moving away then I'll move with you too!"

"But Mom. . . What about Dad?"

"He has his Bhaisaa with him, he doesn't need us. So it doesn't matter."

"No, I can't take you with me too."

"Why? You don't want me in your new journey?"

"I do but. . ."

"Then it's final, I'm coming too. I won't let you leave me again. I suffered for many years without you Sanskaar, now I'm not strong enough to do it again. Stop by the house I'll need to pack." 

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