Chapter Fifteen

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Sun Saiyaan

"Two broken hearts can never connect until one of the two puts a tape around it to secure it, even better if both of them tape it together to heal it from the trauma."

. . .

Chapter 15

Tears were seeping out of her eyes continuously as she sobbed, putting her phone down on her lap, leaning her head against the door. She was sat on the floor in front of her door after locking it from inside, while Parvati, Sharmishta and Swara were on the other side, calling her name whilst knocking. She closed her eyes, trying to console herself, like always. 'He lied.' She thought to herself and continued crying, him hanging up on her added to the pain she was already feeling. When she needed someone she wanted to lean on, as a response she was neglected. She was sure her cries were audible to him, as her phone was never on mute, so why did he behave so coldly towards her. She felt devastated and suffocated, being engulfed by her own negative thoughts. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. Not wanting to hear anyone, or anything.

"Ragini, please listen to me." Sharmishta pleaded with glassy eyes while hitting the door with her palm, "that wasn't the truth. Your mother's death was an accident, that day she lost her balance and fell down the stairs. Even till date Shekhar blames himself for her death. Please open the door."

"Laado, open the door please! Let me tell you the truth of what happened that day." Parvati uttered while hitting her palm on the door continuously. "Everything you heard was true."

Sharmishta looked at Parvati in disbelief, "Maa. . ."

"You shut up! Till when will you hide your crime, she had to find out the truth one day so let it be today!" Parvati answered back without looking at Sharmishta, she had enough of them that now she doesn't care about them anymore, she will tell Ragini the truth about what happened that day whether they like it or not.

"Laado, that day. . ." Parvati began revealing what had happened in the past and how Janaki passed away. Ragini put her hands down from her ears, controlling her cries just to listen.

Shekhar was still stood in the hallway with tears in his eyes, he was sinking in devastation as he recalled the dreadful incident that changed their lives. He had not only lost his wife, but his unborn child too.

After catching Shekhar and Sharmishta talking at the terrace, Janaki decided to talk to Shekhar. He was flustered but ignored her, not willing to be confronted by her.

"Shekhar Ji. Please listen to me." She managed to stop him before he could walk down the stairs, and Sharmishta followed them, standing at a distance watching them with guilt. She thought that there will be issues in their marriage because of her, which she didn't want at all. But little did she know that Janaki already caught on and knew the whole story, without being told.

She knew that Sharmishta was Shekhar's first love and that Swara was their child. It didn't take her seconds to guess because of a tiny resemblance between Ragini and Swara. Even before she was married to Shekhar, she could feel that he was in love with Sharmishta and ever since then, she felt miserable for coming in between them.

"I have nothing to say." Shekhar said to Janaki, who was blinking at him with watery eyes. "But I have something to say." She responded back and he continued to ignore her, not making eye contact with her.

"I know you never loved me and never will. This marriage was forced, but not only on you, on me too. I only agreed because it was my mother's last wish, she wanted to see me married but she couldn't, she passed away before but she gave me her oath. After that I felt like I had to for her, but I regret it so much! I should've went with Dhruva when he asked me to come with him, but I didn't."

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