Chapter Ten

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Sun Saiyaan

"In a room full of coals, there is always a shining diamond."

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Chapter 10

Sat on the bed with Uttara, Sujata sniffed, wiping her tears while complaining. "It's always been like this Uttu. It was always Bhaisa for him over us. Every single thing we did, we had to always ask Bhaisa. He couldn't even take us out on normal family trips, he was never there for us properly. He always involved Bhaisa in everything, including naming you and Sanskaar but Bhaisa had never asked us when he named his children. I'm honestly so sick and tired of this, it has always been Bhaisa in control and because of that I lost Sanskaar before, but now I don't want to. I agree what he did was wrong, I don't support it but if I'm not there to advise him then how would he understand. He was broken by Bhaisa who disowned him simply for being in love with a girl from another caste, but now look, he let his son Lakshya marry Swara. Kavita was a Bengali too! If he had simply allowed Sanskaar to marry Kavita then things would've been different right? We would've been a happy family. He always ruins things and then says he did nothing wrong. He would never see his mistakes. After years we finally got Sanskaar back, he admitted his mistake and apologised, he even feels guilty and wants another chance to reform but they all lashed out at him. If Lakshya had made the same mistake then they would've forgiven him! What hurts me the most is that your father never stands up for me or you or Sanskaar! Whatever Bhaisa says he follows. We don't mean anything to him." Tears continue seeping out of her eyes while she shares what's causing her pain and discomfort.

Uttara wiped her own tears and held Sujata's hand, "whatever Bhai did was wrong. I don't support it, he tried to ruin Lakshya Bhaiyya's wedding and ruin our respect. But he realised his mistakes, admitted his wrongdoings and apologised. I know they won't forgive him but as long as he had a change of heart, that's all that matters. His vengeance must've only been triggered after he heard that Lakshya Bhaiyya was getting married to Swara Bhabhi, he must've found it unfair because they disowned him but accepted Lakshya Bhaiyya and Swara Bhabhi's relationship."

"Can we blame him? I know he shouldn't have chosen that path, but after what this family did with him compared to what they did to Lakshya over the same issue, must've hurt him. But see how easily Bhaisa disowned Sanskaar but gave into Lakshya's stubbornness. It really proves your own blood is your own. We are nothing but a speck of dust in his house. He doesn't even see us as humans." Sujata sounded hurt as she uttered, wiping her tears and lowering her gaze.

Uttara felt a mix of emotions, agreeing with Sujata's point yet a little confused. She knew her brother was wrong, but he realised his mistakes and owned up to what he did and not everyone are brave enough to do this, but she is also familiar with the struggles Lakshya had to go through to convince Durga Prasad to let him marry Swara. Her heart felt like it was sinking after thinking about how her brother was disowned for merely loving someone who was a different caste, and how he was left to be alone for all these years, how much must he have resented them to have done what he did, yet no one understands how he felt like he wasn't a part of their family after what they had done to him, she found it unfair and tears seeped down her eyes. She hugged Sujata and started crying, starting to feel bad for Sanskaar. "My heart is breaking Mom, what do I do? Bhai must've felt so lonely, we should've been there for him but he must've felt like he had no one, how much did he suffer all alone?" She mumbled between her cries and Sujata couldn't help but cry again.

Sujata hugged Uttara tightly and caressed her hair, she didn't like that Uttara was crying. But she understood why, if Uttara was in Sanskaar's place, she might have done the same, how unfair would it feel if one was disowned and the other one was accepted over the same situation, it would show who they prefer more.

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